Washington, D.C.  20549

                          SCHEDULE 13D

   Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. 5)

                            Viacom Inc.
                        (Name of Issuer)

              Class A Common Stock $0.01 Par Value
                 (Title of Class of Securities)

                         (CUSIP Number)

          James E. McKee, Gabelli Asset Management Inc.,
     One Corporate Center, Rye, NY 10580-1434 (914) 921-5294
    (Name, Address and Telephone Number of Person Authorized
             to Receive Notices and Communications)

                      January 26, 2000
     (Date of Event Which Requires Filing of this Statement)

If the filing person has previously filed a statement on Schedule
13G to report the acquisition that is the subject of this Sched-
ule 13D, and is filing this schedule because of Sections 240.13d-1(e),
240.13d-1(f) or 240.13d-1(g), check the following box [  ].

_________________________________________________________________ CUSIP No. 925524100 13D _________________________________________________________________ (1) NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NOS. OF ABOVE PERSONS (ENTITIES ONLY) Gabelli Funds, LLC I.D. No. 13-4044523 _________________________________________________________________ (2) CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP: ____ (a) /___/ ____ (b) /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (3) SEC USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________ (4) SOURCE OF FUNDS* OO-Funds of investment company clients _________________________________________________________________ (5) CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) or 2(e) _____ / / _________________________________________________________________ (6) CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION New York _________________________________________________________________ : (7) SOLE VOTING POWER : 4,365,500 (Item 5) :________________________ : (8) SHARED VOTING POWER NUMBER OF SHARES BENEFICIALLY : None (Item 5) OWNED BY EACH REPORTING :________________________ PERSON WITH : (9) SOLE DISPOSITIVE : POWER : 4,365,500 (Item 5) :________________________ :(10) SHARED DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (11) AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 4,365,500 (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (12) CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW 11 EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* _____ / / _________________________________________________________________ (13) PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 11 3.16% _________________________________________________________________ (14) TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON* IA _________________________________________________________________ *SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILLING OUT! ________________________________________________________________ CUSIP No. 925524100 13D _________________________________________________________________ (1) NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NOS. OF ABOVE PERSONS (ENTITIES ONLY) GAMCO Investors, Inc. I.D. No. 13-4044521 _________________________________________________________________ (2) CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP: ____ (a) /___/ ____ (b) /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (3) SEC USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________ (4) SOURCE OF FUNDS* OO-Funds of investment advisory clients _________________________________________________________________ (5) CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) or 2(e) _____ / / _________________________________________________________________ (6) CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION New York _________________________________________________________________ : (7) SOLE VOTING POWER : 7,212,500 (Item 5) :________________________ : (8) SHARED VOTING POWER NUMBER OF SHARES BENEFICIALLY : None OWNED BY EACH REPORTING :________________________ PERSON WITH : (9) SOLE DISPOSITIVE : POWER : 7,384,500 (Item 5) :________________________ :(10) SHARED DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None _________________________________________________________________ (11) AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 7,384,500 (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (12) CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW 11 EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (13) PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 11 5.34% _________________________________________________________________ (14) TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON* IA, CO _________________________________________________________________ *SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILLING OUT! ________________________________________________________________ CUSIP No. 925524100 13D _________________________________________________________________ (1) NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NOS. OF ABOVE PERSONS (ENTITIES ONLY) ALCE Partners, L.P. I.D. No. 13-3782067 _________________________________________________________________ (2) CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP: ____ (a) /___/ ____ (b) /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (3) SEC USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________ (4) SOURCE OF FUNDS* WC _________________________________________________________________ (5) CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) or 2(e) ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (6) CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION Delaware _________________________________________________________________ : (7) SOLE VOTING POWER : 4,000 (Item 5) :________________________ : (8) SHARED VOTING POWER NUMBER OF SHARES BENEFICIALLY : None OWNED BY EACH REPORTING :________________________ PERSON WITH : (9) SOLE DISPOSITIVE : POWER : 4,000 (Item 5) :________________________ :(10) SHARED DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None _________________________________________________________________ (11) AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 4,000 (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (12) CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW 11 EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (13) PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 11 0.00% _________________________________________________________________ (14) TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON* PN _________________________________________________________________ *SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILLING OUT! _________________________________________________________________ CUSIP No. 925524100 13D _________________________________________________________________ (1) NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NOS. OF ABOVE PERSONS (ENTITIES ONLY) Gabelli Associates Fund I.D. No. 13-3246203 _________________________________________________________________ (2) CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP: ____ (a) /___/ ____ (b) /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (3) SEC USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________ (4) SOURCE OF FUNDS* WC _________________________________________________________________ (5) CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) or 2(e) ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (6) CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION New York _________________________________________________________________ : (7) SOLE VOTING POWER : None (Item 5) :________________________ : (8) SHARED VOTING POWER NUMBER OF SHARES BENEFICIALLY : None OWNED BY EACH REPORTING :________________________ PERSON WITH : (9) SOLE DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None (Item 5) :________________________ :(10) SHARED DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None _________________________________________________________________ (11) AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON None (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (12) CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW 11 EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (13) PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 11 0.00% _________________________________________________________________ (14) TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON* PN _________________________________________________________________ *SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILLING OUT! _________________________________________________________________ CUSIP No. 925524100 13D _________________________________________________________________ (1) NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NOS. OF ABOVE PERSONS (ENTITIES ONLY) Gabelli International II Limited I.D. No. Foreign Corporation _________________________________________________________________ (2) CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP: ____ (a) /___/ ____ (b) /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (3) SEC USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________ (4) SOURCE OF FUNDS* WC _________________________________________________________________ (5) CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) or 2(e) ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (6) CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION British Virgin Islands _________________________________________________________________ : (7) SOLE VOTING POWER : None (Item 5) :________________________ : (8) SHARED VOTING POWER NUMBER OF SHARES BENEFICIALLY : None OWNED BY EACH REPORTING :________________________ PERSON WITH : (9) SOLE DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None (Item 5) :________________________ :(10) SHARED DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None _________________________________________________________________ (11) AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON None (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (12) CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW 11 EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (13) PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 11 0.00% _________________________________________________________________ (14) TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON* CO _________________________________________________________________ *SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILLING OUT! ________________________________________________________________ CUSIP No. 925524100 13D _________________________________________________________________ (1) NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NOS. OF ABOVE PERSONS (ENTITIES ONLY) Gabelli Multimedia Partners, L.P. I.D. No. 13-3782066 _________________________________________________________________ (2) CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP: ____ (a) /___/ ____ (b) /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (3) SEC USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________ (4) SOURCE OF FUNDS* WC ________________________________________________________________ (5) CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) or 2(e) ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (6) CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION Delaware _________________________________________________________________ : (7) SOLE VOTING POWER : None (Item 5) :________________________ : (8) SHARED VOTING POWER NUMBER OF SHARES BENEFICIALLY : None OWNED BY EACH REPORTING :________________________ PERSON WITH : (9) SOLE DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None (Item 5) :________________________ :(10) SHARED DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None _________________________________________________________________ (11) AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON None (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (12) CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW 11 EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (13) PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 11 0.00% _________________________________________________________________ (14) TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON* PN _________________________________________________________________ *SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILLING OUT! ________________________________________________________________ CUSIP No. 925524100 13D _________________________________________________________________ (1) NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NOS. OF ABOVE PERSONS (ENTITIES ONLY) Gabelli Performance Partnership L.P. I.D. No. 13-3396569 _________________________________________________________________ (2) CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP: ____ (a) /___/ ____ (b) /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (3) SEC USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________ (4) SOURCE OF FUNDS* WC _________________________________________________________________ (5) CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) or 2(e) ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (6) CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION New York _________________________________________________________________ : (7) SOLE VOTING POWER : 33,000 (Item 5) :________________________ : (8) SHARED VOTING POWER NUMBER OF SHARES BENEFICIALLY : None OWNED BY EACH REPORTING :________________________ PERSON WITH : (9) SOLE DISPOSITIVE : POWER : 33,000 (Item 5) :________________________ :(10) SHARED DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None _________________________________________________________________ (11) AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 33,000 (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (12) CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW 11 EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (13) PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 11 0.02% _________________________________________________________________ (14) TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON* PN _________________________________________________________________ *SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILLING OUT! _________________________________________________________________ CUSIP No. 925524100 13D _________________________________________________________________ (1) NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NOS. OF ABOVE PERSONS (ENTITIES ONLY) Gabelli Securities, Inc. I.D. No. 13-3379374 _________________________________________________________________ (2) CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP: ____ (a) /___/ ____ (b) /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (3) SEC USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________ (4) SOURCE OF FUNDS* WC _________________________________________________________________ (5) CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) or 2(e) ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (6) CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION Delaware _________________________________________________________________ : (7) SOLE VOTING POWER : 500 (Item 5) :________________________ : (8) SHARED VOTING POWER NUMBER OF SHARES BENEFICIALLY : None OWNED BY EACH REPORTING :________________________ PERSON WITH : (9) SOLE DISPOSITIVE : POWER : 500 (Item 5) :________________________ :(10) SHARED DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None _________________________________________________________________ (11) AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 500 (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (12) CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW 11 EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* _____ / x / _________________________________________________________________ (13) PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 11 0.00% _________________________________________________________________ (14) TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON* HC, CO _________________________________________________________________ *SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILLING OUT! _________________________________________________________________ CUSIP No. 925524100 13D _________________________________________________________________ (1) NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NOS. OF ABOVE PERSONS (ENTITIES ONLY) Gemini Capital Management Ltd. _________________________________________________________________ (2) CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP: ____ (a) /___/ ____ (b) /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (3) SEC USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________ (4) SOURCE OF FUNDS* 00-Funds of clients _________________________________________________________________ (5) CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) or 2(e) ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (6) CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION Bermuda _________________________________________________________________ : (7) SOLE VOTING POWER : 32,000 (Item 5) :________________________ : (8) SHARED VOTING POWER NUMBER OF SHARES BENEFICIALLY : None OWNED BY EACH REPORTING :________________________ PERSON WITH : (9) SOLE DISPOSITIVE : POWER : 32,000 (Item 5) :________________________ :(10) SHARED DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None _________________________________________________________________ (11) AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 32,000 (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (12) CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW 11 EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (13) PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 11 0.03% _________________________________________________________________ (14) TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON* CO _________________________________________________________________ *SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILLING OUT! ________________________________________________________________ CUSIP No. 925524100 13D _________________________________________________________________ (1) NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NOS. OF ABOVE PERSONS (ENTITIES ONLY) Gabelli Global Partners L.P. I.D. No. 13-4062388 _________________________________________________________________ (2) CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP: ____ (a) /___/ ____ (b) /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (3) SEC USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________ (4) SOURCE OF FUNDS* WC _________________________________________________________________ (5) CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) or 2(e) ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (6) CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION Delaware _________________________________________________________________ : (7) SOLE VOTING POWER : 4,900 (Item 5) :________________________ : (8) SHARED VOTING POWER NUMBER OF SHARES BENEFICIALLY : None OWNED BY EACH REPORTING :________________________ PERSON WITH : (9) SOLE DISPOSITIVE : POWER : 4,900 (Item 5) :________________________ :(10) SHARED DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None _________________________________________________________________ (11) AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 4,900 (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (12) CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW 11 EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (13) PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 11 0.00% _________________________________________________________________ (14) TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON* PN _________________________________________________________________ *SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILLING OUT! _________________________________________________________________ CUSIP No. 925524100 13D _________________________________________________________________ (1) NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NOS. OF ABOVE PERSONS (ENTITIES ONLY) Gabelli Global Partners Ltd. I.D. No. Foreign Corporation _________________________________________________________________ (2) CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP: ____ (a) /___/ ____ (b) /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (3) SEC USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________ (4) SOURCE OF FUNDS* WC _________________________________________________________________ (5) CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) or 2(e) ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (6) CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION Cayman Islands _________________________________________________________________ : (7) SOLE VOTING POWER : 2,600 (Item 5) :________________________ : (8) SHARED VOTING POWER NUMBER OF SHARES BENEFICIALLY : None OWNED BY EACH REPORTING :________________________ PERSON WITH : (9) SOLE DISPOSITIVE : POWER : 2,600 (Item 5) :________________________ :(10) SHARED DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None _________________________________________________________________ (11) AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 2,600 (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (12) CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW 11 EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* ____ /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (13) PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 11 0.00% _________________________________________________________________ (14) TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON* CO _________________________________________________________________ *SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILLING OUT! _________________________________________________________________ CUSIP No. 925524100 13D _________________________________________________________________ (1) NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NOS. OF ABOVE PERSONS (ENTITIES ONLY) Gabelli Group Capital Partners, Inc, I.D. No. 13-3056041 _________________________________________________________________ (2) CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP: ____ (a) /___/ ____ (b) /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (3) SEC USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________ (4) SOURCE OF FUNDS* WC _________________________________________________________________ (5) CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) or 2(e) _____ / / _________________________________________________________________ (6) CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION New York _________________________________________________________________ : (7) SOLE VOTING POWER : 65,000 (Item 5) :________________________ : (8) SHARED VOTING POWER NUMBER OF SHARES BENEFICIALLY : None (Item 5) OWNED BY EACH REPORTING :________________________ PERSON WITH : (9) SOLE DISPOSITIVE : POWER : 65,000 (Item 5) :________________________ :(10) SHARED DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (11) AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 65,000 (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (12) CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW 11 EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* _____ / x / _________________________________________________________________ (13) PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 11 0.05% _________________________________________________________________ (14) TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON* HC, CO _________________________________________________________________ *SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILLING OUT! ________________________________________________________________ CUSIP No. 925524100 13D _________________________________________________________________ (1) NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NOS. OF ABOVE PERSONS (ENTITIES ONLY) Gabelli Asset Management Inc. I.D. No. 13-4007862 _________________________________________________________________ (2) CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP: ____ (a) /___/ ____ (b) /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (3) SEC USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________ (4) SOURCE OF FUNDS* None _________________________________________________________________ (5) CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) or 2(e) _____ / / _________________________________________________________________ (6) CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION New York _________________________________________________________________ : (7) SOLE VOTING POWER : None (Item 5) :________________________ : (8) SHARED VOTING POWER NUMBER OF SHARES BENEFICIALLY : None OWNED BY EACH REPORTING :________________________ PERSON WITH : (9) SOLE DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None (Item 5) :________________________ :(10) SHARED DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None _________________________________________________________________ (11) AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON None (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (12) CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW 11 EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* ____ /_x_/ _________________________________________________________________ (13) PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 11 0.00% _________________________________________________________________ (14) TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON* HC, CO _________________________________________________________________ *SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILLING OUT! _________________________________________________________________ CUSIP No. 925524100 13D _________________________________________________________________ (1) NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NOS. OF ABOVE PERSONS (ENTITIES ONLY) Marc J. Gabelli ________________________________________________________________ (2) CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP: ____ (a) /___/ ____ (b) /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (3) SEC USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________ (4) SOURCE OF FUNDS* None _________________________________________________________________ (5) CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) or 2(e) ____ / / _________________________________________________________________ (6) CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION USA _________________________________________________________________ : (7) SOLE VOTING POWER : None (Item 5) :________________________ : (8) SHARED VOTING POWER NUMBER OF SHARES BENEFICIALLY : None OWNED BY EACH REPORTING :________________________ PERSON WITH : (9) SOLE DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None (Item 5) :________________________ :(10) SHARED DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None _________________________________________________________________ (11) AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON None (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (12) CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW 11 EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* _____ / X / _________________________________________________________________ (13) PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 11 0.00% _________________________________________________________________ (14) TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON* IN _________________________________________________________________ *SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILLING OUT! ________________________________________________________________ CUSIP No. 925524100 13D _________________________________________________________________ (1) NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS I.R.S. IDENTIFICATION NOS. OF ABOVE PERSONS (ENTITIES ONLY) Mario J. Gabelli ________________________________________________________________ (2) CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP: ____ (a) /___/ ____ (b) /___/ _________________________________________________________________ (3) SEC USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________ (4) SOURCE OF FUNDS* OO-Funds of a family partnership _________________________________________________________________ (5) CHECK BOX IF DISCLOSURE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEMS 2(d) or 2(e) ____ / / _________________________________________________________________ (6) CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION USA _________________________________________________________________ : (7) SOLE VOTING POWER : 6,000 (Item 5) :________________________ : (8) SHARED VOTING POWER NUMBER OF SHARES BENEFICIALLY : None OWNED BY EACH REPORTING :________________________ PERSON WITH : (9) SOLE DISPOSITIVE : POWER : 6,000 (Item 5) :________________________ :(10) SHARED DISPOSITIVE : POWER : None _________________________________________________________________ (11) AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 6,000 (Item 5) _________________________________________________________________ (12) CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROW 11 EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* _____ / x / _________________________________________________________________ (13) PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 11 0.00% _________________________________________________________________ (14) TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON* IN _________________________________________________________________ *SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILLING OUT!

Item 1. Security and Issuer This Amendment No. 5 to Schedule 13D on the Class A Common Stock of Viacom Inc. (the "Issuer") is being filed on behalf of the undersigned to amend the Schedule 13D, as amended (the "Schedule 13D") which was originally filed on February 7, 1997. Unless otherwise indicated, all capitalized terms used herein but not defined herein shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Schedule 13D. Item 2. Identity and Background This statement is being filed by Mario J. Gabelli ("Mario Gabelli"), Marc J. Gabelli ("Marc Gabelli") and various entities which either one directly or indirectly controls or for which either one acts as chief investment officer. These entities, except for Lynch Corporation ("Lynch"), Spinnaker Industries, Incorporated ("Spinna- ker"), Western New Mexico Telephone Company ("Western New Mexico"), Entoleter, Inc. ("Entoleter"), Lynch Telecommunications Corporation ("Lynch Telecom"), Lynch Telephone Corporation ("Lynch Telephone"), Lynch Interactive Corporation ("Interactive"), Brighton Communications Corporation ("Brighton") and Inter-Community Telephone Company ("In- ter-Community") (collectively, "Lynch and its affiliates"), engage in various aspects of the securities business, primarily as investment adviser to various institutional and individual clients, including registered investment companies and pension plans, as broker/dealer and as general partner of various private investment partnerships. Certain of these entities may also make investments for their own accounts. The foregoing persons in the aggregate often own beneficial- ly more than 5% of a class of equity securities of a particular issuer. Although several of the foregoing persons are treated as institutional investors for purposes of reporting their beneficial ownership on the short-form Schedule 13G, the holdings of those who do not qualify as institutional investors may exceed the 1% threshold presented for filing on Schedule 13G or implementation of their investment philosophy may from time to time require action which could be viewed as not completely passive. In order to avoid any question as to whether their beneficial ownership is being reported on the proper form and in order to provide greater investment flexibility and administrative uniformity, these persons have decided to file their beneficial ownership reports on the more detailed Schedule 13D form rather than on the short-form Schedule 13G and thereby to provide more expansive disclosure than may be necessary. (a), (b) and (c) - This statement is being filed by one or more of the following persons: Gabelli Group Capital Partners, Inc. ("Gabelli Partners"), Gabelli Asset Management Inc. ("GAMI") , Gabelli Funds, LLC ("Gabelli Funds"), GAMCO Investors, Inc. ("GAMCO"), Gabelli Securities, Inc. ("GSI"), Gabelli & Company, Inc. ("Gabelli & Company"), Gabelli Performance Partnership L.P. ("GPP"), GLI, Inc. ("GLI"), Gabelli Associates Fund ("Gabelli As- sociates"), Gabelli Associates Limited ("GAL"), Gabelli & Company, Inc. Profit Sharing Plan (the "Plan"), Gabelli International Limited ("GIL"), Gabelli International II Limited ("GIL II"), Gabelli Interna- tional Gold Fund Limited ("GIGFL"), ALCE Partners, L.P. ("ALCE"), Gabelli Multimedia Partners, L.P. ("Multimedia Partners"), MJG Associ- ates, Inc. ("MJG Associates"), Gemini Capital Management Ltd. ("Gemi- ni"), Gabelli Fund, LDC ("LDC"), Gabelli Foundation, Inc. ("Founda- tion"), Gabelli Global Partners, Ltd. ("GGP Ltd."), Gabelli Global Partners, L.P. ("GGP L.P."), Mario Gabelli, Marc Gabelli, Lynch, Spinnaker, Western New Mexico, Entoleter, Lynch Telecom, Lynch Tele- phone and Inter-Community. Those of the foregoing persons signing this Schedule 13D are hereafter referred to as the "Reporting Persons". Gabelli Partners makes investments for its own account and is the parent company of GAMI. GAMI, a public company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, is the parent company for a variety of companies engaged in the securities business, each of which is named below. GAMCO, a wholly-owned subsidiary of GAMI, is an investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended ("Advisers Act"). GAMCO is an investment manager providing discretionary managed account services for employee benefit plans, private investors, endowments, foundations and others. GSI, a majority-owned subsidiary of GAMI, acts as a general partner or investment manager to limited partnerships and offshore investment companies and as a part of its business regularly purchases and sells securities for its own account. It is the immediate parent of Gabelli & Company. Gabelli & Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of GSI, is a broker-dealer registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended ("l934 Act"), which as a part of its business regularly purchases and sells securities for its own account. GLI, wholly-owned subsidiary of GSI, is a corporation which currently has no active operations. Gabelli Associates is a New York limited partnership whose primary business purpose is risk arbitrage investments. GSI and Mario Gabelli are the general partners of Gabelli Associates. GAL is a corporation whose primary business purpose is risk arbitrage investments. Shares of GAL's common stock are offered to persons who are neither citizens nor residents of the United States and may be offered to a limited number of U.S. investors. GSI is the investment manager of GAL. Gabelli Funds, a wholly-owned subsidiary of GAMI, is a limited liability company. Gabelli Funds is an investment adviser registered under the Advisers Act which presently provides discretion- ary advisory services to The Gabelli Equity Trust Inc., The Gabelli Asset Fund, The Gabelli Growth Fund, The Gabelli Convertible Securi- ties Fund, Inc., The Gabelli Value Fund Inc., The Gabelli Small Cap Growth Fund, The Gabelli Equity Income Fund, The Gabelli ABC Fund, The Gabelli Global Telecommunications Fund, Gabelli Gold Fund, Inc., The Gabelli Global Multimedia Trust Inc., The Gabelli Global Convertible Securities Fund, Gabelli Capital Asset Fund, Gabelli International Growth Fund, Inc., The Gabelli Global Growth Fund, The Gabelli Utility Trust, The Gabelli Global Opportunity Fund, The Gabelli Utilities Fund and The Gabelli Blue Chip Value Fund (collectively, the "Funds"), which are registered investment companies. Gabelli Advisers, Inc. ("Gabelli Advisers"), a subsidiary of GAMI, is an investment adviser which provides discretionary advisory services to The Gabelli Westwood Mighty Mitessm Fund. The Plan, a qualified employee profit sharing plan, covers substantially all employees of GAMI and its affiliates. GPP is a limited partnership whose primary business purpose is investing in securities. MJG Associates is the general partner of GPP, and Mario Gabelli is a portfolio manager for GPP. GIL is a corporation whose primary business purpose is investing in a portfolio of equity securities and securities convert- ible into, or exchangeable for, equity securities in order to achieve its investment objective of significant long-term growth of capital. Shares of GIL's common stock are offered to persons who are neither citizens nor residents of the United States and may be offered to a limited number of U.S. investors. MJG Associates is the Investment Manager of GIL. Mario Gabelli is a portfolio manager for GIL and Chairman of the Board of Directors of GIL. GIL II is a corporation whose business purpose is investing primarily in a portfolio of equity securities and securities convert- ible into, or exchangeable for, equity securities in order to achieve its investment objective of significant long-term growth of capital. Shares of GIL II's common stock are offered to persons who are neither citizens nor residents of the United States and may be offered to a limited number of U.S. investors. MJG Associates is the Investment Manager of GIL II. Mario Gabelli is a portfolio manager and Chairman of the Board of Directors of GIL II. ALCE is an investment limited partnership that seeks long-term capital appreciation primarily through investments in public and private equity securities. GSI is a general partner of ALCE. Multimedia Partners is an investment limited partnership whose objective is to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in public and private multimedia communications companies. GSI is a general partner of Multimedia Partners. GGP L.P. is a partnership whose primary business purpose is investing in Securities on a global basis. Gabelli Securities, Inc. and Gemini Capital Management, LLC are the general partners of GGP L.P. and Marc Gabelli is a portfolio manager for GGP L.P. GGP Ltd. is a corporation whose primary business purpose is investing in Securities on a global basis. Gabelli Securities, International Limited and Gemini Capital Management, LLC are the investment advisors of GGP Ltd. and Marc Gabelli is the portfolio manager for GGP Ltd. LDC is a corporation whose business purpose is investing primarily in a portfolio of equity securities and securities convert- ible into, or exchangeable for, equity securities in order to achieve its investment objective of significant long-term growth of capital. Interests are offered to insurance companies which do not conduct any business in the United States and which are licensed where they do business. MJG Associates is the Investment Manager of LDC. Mario Gabelli is a portfolio manager for LDC. MJG Associates provides advisory services to private investment partnerships and offshore funds. Mario Gabelli is the sole share- holder, director and employee of MJG Associates. Gemini is a corporation whose primary business purpose is to provide advisory services to offshore funds. Marc Gabelli is the President and Chief Investment Officer of Gemini. The Foundation is a private foundation. Mario Gabelli is the President, a Trustee and the Investment Manager of the Foundation. Lynch is a public company traded on the American Stock Exchange engaged in manufacting. Spinnaker, a subsidiary of Lynch, is also a public company and its stock is traded on the NASDAQ National Market. Spinnaker is a manufacturing firm with major subsidiaries in specialty adhesive-backed materials business. Interactive is a public company listed on the American Stock Exchange. It is a holding company whose principal subsidiary is Brighton. Brighton is a 100% owned subsidiary of Inter- active. Brighton is a holding company with subsidiaries in multimedia and services businesses. Western New Mexico, a subsidiary of Brighton, provides telephone services in a service area in Southwestern New Mexico. Inter-Community, which is also a subsidiary of Brighton, provides local telephone services in an area 40 miles west of Fargo, North Dakota. Lynch and Interactive actively pursue new business ven- tures and acquisitions. Mario J. Gabelli is a director, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer and a substantial shareholder of Lynch and Interactive. Mario Gabelli is the majority stockholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Gabelli Partners and GAMI, and the Chief Investment Officer for each of the Reporting Persons which are entities other than Gemini. Gabelli Partners is the majority shareholder of GAMI. GAMI, in turn, is the sole stockholder of GAMCO. GAMI is also the majority stockholder of GSI and the largest shareholder of Gabelli Advisers. Gabelli & Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of GSI. GLI is a wholly-owned subsidiary of GSI. Marc Gabelli is the majority stockholder of Gemini. The Reporting Persons do not admit that they constitute a group. Gabelli Partners, GAMI, GAMCO, Gabelli & Company and GLI are New York corporations and GSI and Gabelli Advisers are Delaware corporations, each having its principal business office at One Corpo- rate Center, Rye, New York 10580. Gabelli Funds is a New York limited liability company having its principal business office at One Corpo- rate Center, Rye, New York 10580. GPP is a New York limited partner- ship having its principal business office at 401 Theodore Fremd Ave., Rye, New York 10580. MJG Associates is a Connecticut corporation having its principal business office at 401 Theodore Fremd Ave., Rye, New York 10580. Gabelli Associates is a New York limited partnership having its principal business office at One Corporate Center, Rye, New York 10580. Alce and Multimedia Partners and GGP L.P. are Delaware limited partnerships each having its principal business office at One Corporate Center, Rye, New York 10580. GAL and GIL are corporations organized under the laws of the British Virgin Islands, and GGP Ltd. is a corporation organized under the laws of the Cayman Islands, each having its principal business office at c/o MeesPierson (Cayman) Limited, British American Centre, Dr. Roy's Drive-Phase 3, George Town, Grand Cayman, British West Indies. GIL II is a corporation organized under the laws of the British Virgin Islands having its principal business office at c/o Coutts & Company (Cayman) Limited, West Bay Road, Grand Cayman, British West Indies. Gemini is a Bermuda corporation having its principal business office at c/o Appleby, Spurling & Kempe, Cedar House, 41 Cedar Avenue, Hamilton HM12, Bermu- da. LDC is a corporation organized under the laws of the British Virgin Islands having its pricipal business office at c/o Tremont (Bermuda) Limited, Tremont House, 4 Park Road, Hamilton HM II, Bermu- da. The Foundation is a private foundation having its principal offices at 165 West Liberty Street, Reno, Nevada 89501. Lynch is an Indiana corporation having its principal business office at 401 Theodore Fremd Avenue, Rye, NY 10580. Spinnaker is a Delaware corpo- ration having its principal business office at 251 Welton Street, Hamden, CT 06511. Lynch and its affiliates make investments in marketable securities to preserve capital and maintain liquidity for financing their business activities and acquisitions (not in the case of Western New Mexico) and are not engaged in the business of invest- ing, reinvesting, or trading in securities. Interactive and Brighton are Delaware corporations each having its principal place of business at 401 Theodore Fremd Avenue, Rye, NY 10580. For information required by instruction C to Schedule 13D with respect to the executive officers and directors of the foregoing entities and other related persons (collectively, "Covered Persons"), reference is made to Schedule I annexed hereto and incorporated herein by reference. (f) - Reference is made to Schedule I hereto. Item 5. Interest In Securities Of The Issuer Item 5 to Schedule 13D is amended, in pertinent part, as follows: (a) The aggregate number and percentage of Securities to which this Schedule 13D relates is 11,898,000 shares, representing 8.60% of the 138,340,683 shares outstanding as reported as being outstanding in the Issuer's most recently filed Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1999. The Reporting Persons beneficially own those Securities as follows: Shares of % of Common Class of Name Stock Common Stock Gabelli Funds: As Principal 0 0.00% As Agent 4,365,500 3.16% GAMCO: As Principal 0 0.00% As Agent 7,384,500 5.34% GGP L.P. 4,900 0.00% GGP Ltd. 2,600 0.00% GSI 500 0.00% Gabelli Partners 65,000 0.05% GIL II 0 0.00% GMP 0 0.00% GPP 33,000 0.02% ALCE 4,000 0.00% Gabelli Associates 0 0.00% Gemini 32,000 0.03% Marc Gabelli 0 0.00% Mario Gabelli 6,000 0.00% Mario Gabelli is deemed to have beneficial ownership of the Securities owned beneficially by each of the foregoing persons other than Marc Gabelli and Gemini. GSI is deemed to have beneficial owner- ship of the Securities owned beneficially by GGP Ltd., GGP L.P., GMP, Alce and Gabelli Associates. Marc Gabelli is deemed to have beneficial ownership of the Securities owned beneficially by Gemini. GAMI and Gabelli Partners are deemed to have beneficial ownership of the Securities beneficially owned by each of the foregoing persons other than Mario Gabelli, Marc Gabelli and Gemini. (b) Each of the Reporting Persons and Covered Persons has the sole power to vote or direct the vote and sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition of the Securities reported for it, either for its own benefit or for the benefit of its investment clients or its partners, as the case may be, except that (i) GAMCO does not have the authority to vote 172,000 of the reported shares, (ii) Gabelli Funds has sole dispositive and voting power with respect to the shares of the Issuer held by the Funds so long as the aggregate voting interest of all joint filers does not exceed 25% of their total voting interest in the Issuer and, in that event, the Proxy Voting Committee of each Fund shall respectively vote that Fund's shares, (iii) at any time, the Proxy Voting Committee of each such Fund may take and exercise in its sole discretion the entire voting power with respect to the shares held by such fund under special circumstances such as regulatory considerations, and (iv) the power of Mario Gabelli, Marc Gabelli, GAMI and Gabelli Partners is indirect with respect to Securities benefi- cially owned directly by other Reporting Persons. (c) Information with respect to all transactions in the Securities which were effected during the past sixty days or since the most recent filing on Schedule 13D, whichever is less, by each of the Reporting Persons and Covered Persons is set forth on Schedule II annexed hereto and incorporated herein by reference. (e) Not applicable. Signature After reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that the information set forth in this statement is true, complete and correct. Dated: January 27, 2000 MARIO J. GABELLI By: ____________________________ James E. McKee Attorney-in-Fact GABELLI GROUP CAPITAL PARTNERS, INC. By:_________________________ James E. McKee General Counsel GABELLI FUNDS, LLC By:___________________________ James E. McKee Secretary GABELLI ASSET MANAGEMENT INC. By:____________________________ James E. McKee General Counsel GAMCO INVESTORS, INC. By:_________________________ James E. McKee General Counsel GABELLI INTERNATIONAL II LIMITED By:___________________________ Mario J. Gabelli, Chairman by: James E. McKee Attorney-in-Fact GABELLI ASSOCIATES FUND By:___________________________ Gabelli Securities, Inc., General Partner by: James E. McKee Secretary GEMINI CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LTD By:__________________________ Marc J. Gabelli President by: James E. McKee Attorney-in-Fact ALCE PARTNERS, L.P. By:________________________ Gabelli Securities, Inc. General Partner by: James E. McKee Secretary GABELLI GLOBAL PARTNERS, LTD. By:____________________________ Marc J. Gabelli Director and Portfolio Manager by: James E. McKee Attorney-in-Fact GABELLI GLOBAL PARTNERS L. P. By:_____________________________ Gabelli Securities, Inc. General Partner by: James E. McKee Secretary GABELLI PERFORMANCE PARTNERSHIP, L.P. By:________________________ MJG Associates, Inc. by: Mario J. Gabelli, President by: James E. McKee Attorney-in-Fact GABELLI SECURITIES, INC. By:__________________________ James E. McKee Secretary GABELLI MULTIMEDIA PARTNERS, L.P. By:__________________________ Gabelli Securities, Inc. General Partner by: James E. McKee Secretary MARC J. GABELLI By:_________________________ James E. McKee Attorney-in-Fact

Schedule I Information with Respect to Executive Officers and Directors of the Undersigned Schedule I to Schedule 13D is amended, in pertinent part, as follows: The following sets forth as to each of the executive officers and directors of the undersigned: his name; his business address; and his present principal occupation or employment and the name, principal business and address of any corporation or other organization in which such employment is conducted. Unless otherwise specified, the principal employer of each such individual is Gabelli Group Capital Partners, Inc., Gabelli Asset Management Inc., Gabelli Funds, LLC, Gabelli & Company, Inc., or GAMCO Investors, Inc., the business address of each of which is One Corporate Center, Rye, New York 10580, and each such individual identified below is a citizen of the United States. To the knowledge of the undersigned, during the last five years, no such person has been convicted in a criminal proceeding (excluding traffic viola- tions or similar misdemeanors), and no such person was a party to a civil proceeding of a judicial or administrative body of competent jurisdiction as a result of which he was or is subject to a judgment, decree or final order enjoining future violations of, or prohibiting or mandating activities subject to, federal or state securities law or finding any violation with respect to such laws except as reported in Item 2(d) of this Schedule 13D.

Gabelli Group Capital Partners, Inc. Directors: Mario J. Gabelli* Richard B. Black President and Director of Oak Technology, Inc.; Chairman ECRM; Director of The Morgan Group, Inc.; General Partner of KBA Part- ners, Parker Plaza 400 Kelby Street, Fort Lee, NJ 07029 Charles C. Baum Chairman, Director and Chief Execu- tive Officer of The Morgan Group, Inc.; Secretary & Treasurer United Holdings 2545 Wilkens Avenue Baltimore, MD 21223 Dr. Eamon M. Kelly Professor Payson Center for International Development Technology Transfer Tulane University 300 Hebert Hall 6823 St. Charles Avenue New Orleans, LA 70118 Marc J. Gabelli Managing Director Matthew R. Gabelli Vice President-Trading Gabelli & Company One Corporate Center Rye, New York 10580 Officers: Mario J. Gabelli Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer Stephen G. Bondi Executive Vice President-Finance and Administration _____________________ * Mr. Gabelli is the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Invest- ment Officer of Gabelli Group Capital Partners, Inc., Gabelli Asset Management Inc. and GAMCO Investors, Inc.; Director/Trustee of all registered investment companies advised by Gabelli Funds, LLC; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lynch Corporation; Director of East/West Communications, Inc.

Robert S. ZuccaroVice President and Chief Financial Officer James E. McKee Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Gabelli Asset Management Inc. Directors: Mario J. Gabelli See above John C. Ferrara Chief Financial Officer Space.Com 120 West 45th Street New York, New York 10036 Dr. Eamon M. Kelly See above Karl Otto Pohl (1) Sal Oppenheim Jr. & Cie Bockenheimer Landstrasse 20 D-6000 FRANKFURT AM MAIN Germany Officers: Mario J. Gabelli Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer Stephen G. Bondi Executive Vice President-Finance and Adminstration Robert S. Zuccaro Vice President and Chief Financial Officer James E. McKee Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary GAMCO Investors, Inc. Directors: Mario J. Gabelli Douglas R. Jamieson Joseph R. Rindler, Jr. Regina M. Pitaro F. William Scholz, II Officers: Mario J. Gabelli Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer Joseph R. Rindler, Jr. Chairman Douglas R. Jamieson Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Robert S. Zuccaro Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Stephen G. Bondi Vice President James E. McKee Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Peter D. Goldstein Deputy General Counsel and Assistant Secretary Gabelli Funds, LLC Officers: Mario J. Gabelli Chief Investment Officer Bruce N. Alpert Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Gus Coutsouros Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Stephen G. Bondi Vice President James E. McKee Secretary Gabelli Advisers, Inc. Directors: Bruce N. Alpert John D. Gabelli Joseph R. Rindler, Jr. Officers: Bruce N. Alpert Chief Operating Officer Stephen G. Bondi Vice President James E. McKee Secretary Gabelli Securities, Inc. Directors: Robert W. Blake President of W.R. Blake & Sons, Inc. 196-20 Northern Boulevard Flushing, NY 11358 Douglas G. DeVivo General Partner of ALCE Partners, L.P. One First Street, Suite 16 Los Altos, CA 94022 Joseph R. Rindler, Jr. See above Officers: Stephen G. Bondi Vice President Robert S. Zuccaro Vice President-Finance James E. McKee Secretary Gabelli & Company, Inc. Directors: James G. Webster, III Chairman Stephen G. Bondi See above Donald C. Jenkins Director of Research Officers: James G. Webster, III Chairman Stephen G. Bondi Vice President Bruce N. Alpert Vice President-Mutual Funds Walter K. Walsh Compliance Officer James E. McKee Secretary GLI, Inc. Directors: Mario J. Gabelli See above-Gabelli Group Capital Partners, Inc. Officers: Mario J. Gabelli Chairman and Chief Investment Officer Stephen G. Bondi Vice President Gabelli Associates Limited Directors: Mario J. Gabelli See above-Gabelli Group Capital Partners, Inc. Roger Hanson (2) MeesPierson (Cayman) Limited British American Centre Dr. Roy's Drive- Phase 3 Georgetown, Grand Cayman Cayman Islands, British WestIndies Officers: Mario J. Gabelli Chief Investment Officer Kevin Bromley (2) Vice President, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary Sandra Wright (2) Secretary and Assistant Treasurer Gabelli International Limited Directors: Mario J. Gabelli See above-Gabelli Group Capital Partners, Inc. Roger Hanson (2) MeesPierson (Cayman) Limited British American Centre Dr. Roy's Drive- Phase 3 Georgetown, Grand Cayman Cayman Islands, British West Indies Officers: Kevin Bromley (2) Vice President, Treasurer, and Assistant Secretary MeesPierson (Cayman) Limited British American Centre Dr. Roy's Drive- Phase 3 Georgetown, Grand Cayman Cayman Islands, British West Indies Sandra Wright (2) Secretary and Assistant Treasurer Assistant Secretary MeesPierson (Cayman) Limited British American Centre Dr. Roy's Drive- Phase 3 Georgetown, Grand Cayman Cayman Islands, British West Indies Gemini Capitial Management Ltd. Directors: Marc J. Gabelli See above-Gabelli Group Capital Partners, Inc. Stephen G. Bondi See Above-Gabelli Group Capital Partners, Inc. Michael A. Salatto Controller, Gabelli Securities, Inc. Michael J. Burns (3) Appleby, Spurling & Kempe Cedar House 41 Cedar Avenue Hamilton, HM12 Bermuda Douglas Molyneux (3) Appleby, Spurling & Kempe Cedar House 41 Cedar Avenue Hamilton, HM12 Bermuda Gabelli Fund, LDC Directors: Johann S. Wong (4) c/o Tremont (Bermuda) Limited Tremont House 4 Park Road Hamilton HM 11, Bermuda Peter D. Anderson (5) Givens Hall Bank & Trust Genesis Building P.O. Box 2097 Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands BWI3459498141 Karl Otto Pohl See above Anthonie C. van Ekris See below Gabelli Global Partners, Ltd. Directors: Stephen G. Bondi See above Marc J. Gabelli See above Patrick Salvisberg (6) Vice President Institutional Capital Markets Bear Stearns International Ltd. Marco Sampelligrini (7) Banco Intesa Milan, Italy Antonie Van Ekris See below Lynch Corporation 401 Theodore Fremd Avenue Rye, NY 10580 Directors: Mario J. Gabelli See above-Gabelli Group Capital Partners, Inc. E. Val Cerutti Business Consultant Cerutti Consultants 227 McLain Street Mount Kisco, NY 10540 Ralph R. Papitto Chairman of the Board AFC Cable Systems, Inc. 50 Kennedy Plaza Suite 1250 Providence, RI 02903 Officers: Mario J. Gabelli Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Robert E. Dolan Chief Financial Officer Robert A. Hurwich Vice President-Administration, Secretary and General Counsel Lynch Interactive Corporation 401 Theodore Fremd Avenue Rye, NY 10580 Directors: Paul J. Evanson President Florida Light & Power Co. P.O. Box 14000 700 Universe Blvd. Juno Beach, FL 33408 Mario J. Gabelli See above-Gabelli Group Capital Partners, Inc. Ralph R. Papitto Chairman of the Board AFC Cable Systems, Inc. 50 Kennedy Plaza Suite 1250 Providence, RI 02903 Salvatore Muoio Principal S. Muoio & Co., LLC Suite 406 509 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10022 John C. Ferrara See above David C. Mitchell Business Consultant c/o Lynch Corporation 401 Theodore Fremd Ave. Rye, NY 10580 Officers: Mario J. Gabelli Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Robert E. Dolan Chief Financial Officer Robert A. Hurwich Vice President-Administration, Secretary and General Counsel Brighton Communications Corporation 401 Theodore Fremd Ave Rye, NY 105820 Directors: Robert E. Dolan See above-Lynch Interactive Corporation Robert A. Hurwich See above-Lynch Interactive Corporation Officers: Robert E. Dolan President, Controller, Tresurer and Assistant Secretary Robert A. Hurwich Secreatry and Assistant Tresurer Spinnaker Industries, Inc. 600 N. Pearl Street uite 2160 Dallas, TX 75201 Directors: Joseph P. Rhein 5003 Central Avenue Ocean City, NJ 08226 Richard J. Boyle The Boyle Group, Inc. 6110 Blue Circle Drive Suite 250 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Ned N. Fleming, III Boyle, Fleming, & Co., Inc. 600 N. Pearl Street Suite 2160 Dallas, TX 75201 Robert E. Dolan See above Lynch Corporation Anthonie C. van Ekris Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Balmac International, Inc. 61 Broadway Suite 1900 New York, NY 10006 Mario J. Gabelli See above-Gabelli Group Capital Partners, Inc. E. Val Cerutti See above-Lynch Corporation Ralph R. Papitto See above-Lynch Corporation Officers: Ned N. Fleming, III President and Chief Operating Officer Richard J. Boyle Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Robert A. Hurwich Secretary Mark A. Matteson Vice President, Corporate Development Craig Jennings Vice President, Finance and Treasurer Entoleter, Inc. 251 Welton Street Hamden, CT 06517 Directors: Ned N. Fleming, III See above-Spinnaker Mark A. Matteson See above-Spinnaker Robert P. Wentzel See above Entoleter James Fleming 230 Saugatuck Avenue, Unit 8 Westport, CT 06880 Officers: Robert P. Wentzel President Mark R. Matteson Vice President Charles DeMarino Controller & Secretary Western New Mexico Telephone Company 314 Yankee Street Silver City, NM 88062 Directors: Jack W. Keen Chairman and President Dr. Brian E. Gordon Vice President Mary Beth Baxter Secretary & Treasurer John Clay Keen Route 6 Box 270 Greenville, TX 75401 Robert E. Dolan See above-Lynch Corporation Robert A. Hurwich See above-Lynch Corporation Carmine Ceraolo See above-Lynch Corporation Mary J. Carroll See above-Lynch Corporation Eugene P. Connell See above-Lynch Corporation Officers: Jack W. Keen Chairman and President Dr. Brian E. Gordon Vice President Charles M. Baxter Sr. Vice President-Operations Mary Beth Baxter Secretary & Treasurer Robert A. Hurwich Assistant Treasurer Inter-Community Telephone Company, L.L.C. P.O. Box A Nome, ND 58062 Managers: Carole Rau Executive Assistant Lynch Corporation 401 Theodore Fremd Ave. Rye, NY 10580 Mary J. Carroll See above-Lynch Corporation Robert E. Dolan See above-Lynch Corporation Robert A. Hurwich See above-Lynch Corporation Carmine Ceraolo Assistant Controller Lynch Corporation 401 Theodore Fremd Ave Rye, NY 10580 Robert Snyder 200 Broadway South Buffalo, ND 58011 Keith S. Andersen See above-Inter-Community Telephone Company Robert Reff See above-Inter-Community Telephone Company Jack Bently 1210 E. Washington Ave Gilbert, AZ 85234 Officers: Robert Snyder President Keith S. Andersen Secretary and Treasurer Robert A. Hurwich Assistant Secretary Lynch Telephone Corporation 401 Theodore Fremd Avenue Rye, NY 10580 Directors: Robert E. Dolan Controller Jack W. Keen President Robert A. Hurwich See above-Lynch Corporation Officers: Jack W. Keen President Robert A. Hurwich Secretary Mary Beth Baxter Treasurer and Assistant Secretary Robert E. Dolan Vice President and Controller (1) Citizen of Germany (2) Citizen of the Cayman Islands (3) Citizen of Bermuda (4) Citizen of Bermuda and Canada (5) Citizen of the UK (6) Citizen of Switzerland (7) Citizen of Italy

                                             SCHEDULE II

                                      INFORMATION WITH RESPECT TO
                           SINCE THE MOST RECENT FILING ON SCHEDULE 13D (1)

                                             SHARES PURCHASED        AVERAGE
                                  DATE            SOLD(-)             PRICE(2)


                                 1/11/00              900-           59.0000
                                 1/10/00            1,400-           58.0000
                                 1/10/00              600-           55.3750
                                 1/06/00            2,000            50.9219
                                 1/26/00            4,500-           58.3611
                                 1/26/00            4,000-           58.8828
                                 1/25/00              200-           57.0625
                                 1/25/00            4,300-           56.5073
                                 1/24/00            4,000-           58.0000
                                 1/24/00            8,200-           57.6914
                                 1/24/00              500            57.7500
                                 1/24/00              200-           57.7500
                                 1/24/00            1,500-           57.6914
                                 1/24/00              600            57.9375
                                 1/21/00            1,800-           57.5903
                                 1/21/00              400-           57.5000
                                 1/21/00              300            57.5000
                                 1/20/00            2,000-           58.3125
                                 1/19/00            2,000            56.3344
                                 1/19/00              600-           57.5625
                                 1/19/00            6,500-           55.6010
                                 1/19/00            7,000-           55.5938
                                 1/19/00            1,000-           55.5625
                                 1/19/00            6,500            55.6010
                                 1/18/00              500-           56.8750
                                 1/18/00              500-           57.8750
                                 1/18/00            5,000-           55.9825
                                 1/18/00            5,000-           56.3750
                                 1/14/00            1,000-           58.4375
                                 1/13/00           20,000-           57.2500
                                 1/13/00           10,000            57.3310
                                 1/13/00           10,000-           57.3313
                                 1/13/00            2,000            57.2500
                                 1/13/00            2,000-           57.2500
                                 1/13/00           10,000-           57.3313
                                 1/13/00              200            57.4375

                                               SCHEDULE II

                                      INFORMATION WITH RESPECT TO
                           SINCE THE MOST RECENT FILING ON SCHEDULE 13D (1)

                                             SHARES PURCHASED        AVERAGE
                                  DATE            SOLD(-)             PRICE(2)


                                 1/13/00              500-           59.2500
                                 1/13/00            2,000-           57.0625
                                 1/12/00            2,500-           58.5625
                                 1/11/00              500-           58.9103
                                 1/11/00            5,000-           58.5052
                                 1/11/00            5,400-           59.5000
                                 1/11/00            1,000              *DI
                                 1/11/00            5,700-           58.9103
                                 1/11/00              400-           59.5000
                                 1/11/00            6,000-           58.5052
                                 1/11/00            2,000-             *DO
                                 1/11/00              400            59.5000
                                 1/11/00            5,000            58.5052
                                 1/10/00           12,000-           57.0182
                                 1/10/00            4,000-           57.3125
                                 1/10/00            7,000-           58.7143
                                 1/10/00              200-           57.5625
                                 1/07/00            1,200            52.1250
                                 1/07/00           10,000            51.7500
                                 1/06/00              600-             *DO
                                 1/06/00            1,100-           50.3125
                                 1/05/00              800            52.1875
                                 1/05/00            1,350            52.1968
                                 1/04/00            1,000-             *DO
                                 1/03/00            4,000-           60.3750
                                 1/03/00            3,000-           60.2500
                                 1/03/00            5,000-           60.3125
                                12/29/99            1,600            58.1875
                                12/29/99            3,600-           57.8403
                                12/28/99              300            58.1875
                                12/27/99           14,000-           58.4330
                                12/27/99            4,000-           58.5000
                                12/27/99            2,000-           58.1250
                                12/27/99            3,300-           58.3561

                                                  SCHEDULE II

                                      INFORMATION WITH RESPECT TO
                           SINCE THE MOST RECENT FILING ON SCHEDULE 13D (1)

                                             SHARES PURCHASED        AVERAGE
                                  DATE            SOLD(-)             PRICE(2)


                                12/23/99            4,000-           57.3125
                                12/23/99            1,500-           57.4438
                                12/23/99            7,000-           57.6875
                                12/23/99              500-           57.4438
                                12/23/99            5,000-           57.6875
                                12/23/99            5,000            57.6875
                                12/23/99            1,300            57.3125
                                12/23/99              400            57.3750
                                12/22/99            5,000-           56.7750
                                12/22/99            3,000-           56.5875
                                12/21/99           13,100-           56.1768
                                12/21/99            1,000-           56.3125
                                12/20/99            1,000-           56.8750
                                12/20/99            2,000-           57.5625
                                12/20/99            8,300-           57.3901
                                12/20/99            1,000-           56.6313
                                12/16/99            4,700-           54.0146
                                12/15/99              500-           54.8125
                                12/14/99              200            55.6250
                                12/14/99            3,000-           55.6250
                                12/13/99            3,000-           55.0625
                                12/13/99            3,000-           56.1250
                                12/13/99              500-           55.1875
                                12/10/99            8,000-           55.0000
                                12/09/99            3,000-           55.6875
                                12/09/99            3,000-           55.6458
                                12/08/99            2,000-           54.6563
                                12/08/99            5,000-           54.3375
                                12/08/99            2,000-           54.5313
                                12/06/99            1,600-           52.8906
                                12/03/99            1,000-           52.9375
                                12/03/99            1,300-           52.9231
                                12/02/99              300            50.3125
                                11/29/99            7,000-           50.0804
                                11/29/99            5,000-           50.5438
                                11/26/99              500-           51.5000
                                 1/03/00           24,000-           59.6006

                                                SCHEDULE II

                                      INFORMATION WITH RESPECT TO
                           SINCE THE MOST RECENT FILING ON SCHEDULE 13D (1)

                                             SHARES PURCHASED        AVERAGE
                                  DATE            SOLD(-)             PRICE(2)


                                12/27/99           10,000-           58.3856
                                12/23/99            5,000-           58.2106
                                 1/26/00            9,000-           58.8751
                                 1/19/00            2,000-           55.5419
                                 1/14/00            4,000-           58.2637
                                 1/03/00            1,000-           60.3230
                                12/27/99            5,000-           58.3856
                                12/22/99            6,000-           56.7189
                                 1/03/00            1,000-           60.3230
                                12/20/99           10,000-           56.8288
                                12/14/99            2,000-           55.4170
                                12/09/99            3,000-           56.0314
                                12/20/99            1,000-           56.8288
                                 1/26/00            6,500            59.9250
                                 1/12/00            4,000            58.3156
                                 1/10/00           10,000-           57.8325
                                 1/07/00           26,000            52.0887
                                12/28/99           30,000            58.0250
                                12/14/99           14,000            55.5366
                                12/13/99            5,000            55.9250
                                 1/20/00            3,000-           57.4106
                                 1/11/00            5,000-           58.7480
                                12/30/99            2,000-           58.6980
                                12/13/99            3,000-           55.6669

              ON THE NYSE.