
                                  UNITED STATES
                           Washington, D.C. 20549-1004

                                    FORM 11-K

     (Mark One)
 / X /   Annual Report Pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
         Act of 1934

    For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1994  Commission file number 1-9553


/    /   Transition Report Pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
         Act of 1934

                          PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC.
                             EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN

                             (Full title of the plan)

                                   VIACOM INC.

          (Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the plan)

                                  1515 Broadway
                            New York, New York  10036
                    (Address of principal executive offices)


                          PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC.
                             EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN

     (a)   Financial Statements
              Reports of Independent Accountants/Auditors.......................    F-2 - F-3
              Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits,
                 with Fund Information-December 31, 1994 and 1993...............    F-4 - F-5
              Statement of Changes In Net Assets Available for 
                 Benefits, with Fund Information-Years Ended
                 December 31, 1994 and 1993.....................................    F-6 -  F-7
              Notes to Financial Statements.....................................    F-8 - F-12

              I-  Item 27a - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes....    S-1 - S-17
              II- Item 27a - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment
                  Purposes which were both Acquired and Disposed of within 
                  the Plan Year.................................................    S-18 - S-20
              III-Item 27d - Schedule of Reportable Transactions................    S-21

     (b)   Exhibits

             I - Consents of Independent Accountants/Auditors

SIGNATURE Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the persons who administer the Plan have duly caused this annual report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, hereunto duly authorized. PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN Date: June 29, 1995 By:-_________________________________ Rudolph L. Hertlein Member of the Retirement Committee REPORT OF INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS June 28, 1995 To the Participants and Administrator of the Paramount Communications Inc. Employees' Savings Plan In our opinion, the financial statements in the accompanying index present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for benefits of the Paramount Communications Inc. Employees' Savings Plan at December 31, 1994, and the changes in net assets available for benefits for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. These financial statements are the responsibility of the plan's management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit of these statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above. The financial statements of the Paramount Communications Inc. Employees' Savings Plan for the year ended December 31, 1993 were audited by other independent accountants whose report dated June 17, 1994, except for Note A the second paragraph of the Loan Provision section, as to which the date is June 28, 1995, expressed an unqualified opinion on those statements. Our audit was performed for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole. The additional information included in the accompanying index is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements but is additional information required by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. The Fund Information in the statement of net assets available for benefits and the statement of changes in net assets available for benefits is presented for purposes of additional analysis rather than to present the net assets available for plan benefits and changes in net assets available for benefits of each fund. The supplemental schedules and the Fund Information have been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audits of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. Price Waterhouse LLP New York, New York F-2 REPORT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS We have audited the accompanying statement of net assets available for benefits, with fund information of Paramount Communications Inc. Employees' Savings Plan ("The Plan") as of December 31, 1993, and the related statement of changes in net assets available for benefits, with fund information for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Plan's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for benefits of the Plan at December 31, 1993, and the changes in its net assets available for benefits for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit was performed for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole. The fund information in the statement of net assets available for benefits, with fund information and the statement of changes in net assets available for benefits, with fund information is presented for purposes of additional analysis rather than to present the net assets available for benefits and changes in net assets available for benefits of each fund. The fund information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly presented in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. New York, New York Ernst & Young LLP June 17, 1994, except for Note A the second paragraph of the Loan Provision section, as to which the date is June 28, 1995. F-3
PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS, WITH FUND INFORMATION DECEMBER 31, 1994 Employer Fund Employee Funds ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Income Viacom Inc. Viacom Inc. Equity Investment Balanced Stock Fund Stock Fund Fund Fund Fund ---------- ---------- ---- ---- ---- Investments: Viacom Inc. Class B Common Stock $105,838,264 $ 4,286,248 Viacom Inc. 8% Subordinated Exchangeable Debentures due 2006 11,308,067 1,814,256 Viacom Inc. Contingent Value Rights 2,148,410 288,127 Viacom Inc. Stock Warrants 6,309 Other 10,575,189 1,580,206 $52,516,408 $128,076,544 $17,574,314 Member loans receivable ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ 129,876,239 7,968,837 52,516,408 128,076,544 17,574,314 Employee contribution receivable 597,014 1,172,472 250,714 Dividends and interest receivable 543,791 87,710 432,352 564,937 103 Interfund receivables (payables), net 213,623 (201,160) (22,179) (77,150) 86,866 Forfeitures (260,300) 3,249 Payables to Prentice Hall Computer Publishing Division Retirement Plan (24,935) Payables to brokers (3,271,984) (13,000) ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ Net assets available for benefits $127,101,369 $ 7,855,387 $53,485,660 $129,740,052 $17,911,997 ============ ============== ============ ============ =========== Clearing Combined Fund Loans Funds ---- ----- ----- Investments: Viacom Inc. Class B Common Stock $110,124,512 Viacom Inc. 8% Subordinated Exchangeable Debentures due 2006 13,122,323 Viacom Inc. Contingent Value Rights 2,436,537 Viacom Inc. Stock Warrants 6,309 Other $724,346 211,047,007 Member loans receivable $13,074,397 13,074,397 --------- ------------ ------------- 724,346 13,074,397 349,811,085 Employee contribution receivable 2,020,200 Dividends and interest receivable 3,359 1,632,252 Interfund receivables (payables), net -- Forfeitures 257,051 -- Payables to Prentice Hall Computer Publishing Division Retirement Plan (24,935) Payables to brokers (115,782) (3,400,766) --------- ------------ ------------- Net assets available for benefits $868,974 $13,074,397 $350,037,836 ======== =========== ============
See accompanying notes to the financial statements. F-4
PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS, WITH FUND INFORMATION -- Restated DECEMBER 31, 1993 Employer Fund Employee Funds ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Income Viacom Inc. Viacom Inc. Equity Investment Balanced Stock Fund Stock Fund Fund Fund Fund ---------- ---------- ---- ---- ---- Investments: Paramount Common Stock $60,565,151 $27,823,639 Other 490,598 6,951,705 $41,705,088 $116,613,137 $7,387,699 Member loans receivable ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- ----------- 61,055,749 34,775,344 41,705,088 116,613,137 7,387,699 Contributions receivable: Employer 47,220 Employee 22,530 48,091 55,527 25,770 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- ----------- 47,220 22,530 48,091 55,527 25,770 Dividends and interest receivable 153,629 88,735 109,264 571,844 680 Interfund receivables (payables), net 327,170 (7,040,519) 2,902,216 1,977,424 1,833,709 Forfeitures (172,455) (13,757) Payable to brokers (1,060,120) (98,437) ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- ----------- Net assets available for benefits $60,351,193 $27,846,090 $44,666,222 $119,204,175 $9,247,858 =========== =========== =========== ============ ========== Clearing Combined Fund Loans Funds ---- ----- ----- Investments: Paramount Common Stock $ 88,388,790 Other $ 337,887 173,486,114 Member loans receivable $12,362,790 12,362,790 --------- ------------ ------------- 337,887 12,362,790 274,237,694 Contributions receivable: Employer 47,220 Employee 151,918 ------------- 199,138 Dividends and interest receivable 850 925,002 Interfund receivables (payables), net -- Forfeitures 186,212 -- Payable to brokers (1,158,557) --------- ------------ ------------- Net assets available for benefits $ 524,949 $12,362,790 $274,203,277 ========= =========== ============ F-5 See accompanying notes to the financial statements.
PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS, WITH FUND INFORMATION YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 Employer Fund Employee Funds ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Income Viacom Inc. Viacom Inc. Equity Investment Balanced Stock Fund Stock Fund Fund Fund Fund ---------- ---------- ---- ---- ---- Additions to net assets attributable to: Net investment income: Dividends on common stocks $ 1,302,919 Interest income $ 2,616,062 $ 619,421 257,576 $ 6,819,357 $ 559,711 Administrative expenses ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------ 2,616,062 619,421 1,560,495 6,819,357 559,711 Net realized gain on disposition of investments 28,788,780 12,869,946 14,143 Unrealized depreciation of investments (17,154,769) (11,322,993) (939,231) (473,683) Contributions: Employer 8,705,966 Employee 3,276,670 7,975,190 9,069,481 2,450,291 Rollovers from non-affiliated plans 619,552 2,020,298 3,896,045 1,877,369 Merger with Paramount Communications Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan 59,260,123 ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------ Total additions 82,216,162 6,062,596 10,616,752 19,784,883 4,427,831 Deductions from net assets attributable to: Withdrawals and terminations: Paid in cash (13,735,723) (5,991,538) (19,294,240) (1,693,299) Paid in the Company's Common Stock (603,385) (4,464,643) Forfeitures (1,166,409) 17,006 Interfund transfers and loan activity, net 39,531 (21,588,656) 4,194,224 10,028,228 5,929,607 ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------ Total deductions (15,465,986) (26,053,299) (1,797,314) (9,249,006) 4,236,308 Net additions (deductions) 66,750,176 (19,990,703) 8,819,438 10,535,877 8,664,139 Net assets available for benefits at beginning of year 60,351,193 27,846,090 44,666,222 119,204,175 9,247,858 ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------ Net assets available for benefits at end of year $127,101,369 $7,855,387 $53,485,660 $129,740,052 $17,911,997 ============ ========== =========== ============ =========== Clearing Combined Fund Loans Funds ---- ----- ----- Additions to net assets attributable to: Net investment income: Dividends on common stocks $ 1,302,919 Interest income $ 27,817 $ 871,199 11,771,143 Administrative expenses (833,195) (833,195) ----------- ------------ -------------- (805,378) 871,199 12,240,867 Net realized gain on disposition of investments 41,672,869 Unrealized depreciation of investments (29,890,676) Contributions: Employer 8,705,966 Employee 22,771,632 Rollovers from non-affiliated plans 8,413,264 Merger with Paramount Communications Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan 59,260,123 ----------- ------------ ------------- Total additions (805,378) 871,199 123,174,045 Deductions from net assets attributable to: Withdrawals and terminations: Paid in cash (1,556,658) (42,271,458) Paid in the Company's Common Stock (5,068,028) Forfeitures 1,149,403 -- Interfund transfers and loan activity, net 1,397,066 -- ----------- ------------ ------------- Total deductions 1,149,403 (159,592) (47,339,486) Net additions (deductions) 344,025 711,607 75,834,559 Net assets available for benefits at beginning of year 524,949 12,362,790 274,203,277 ----------- ------------ ------------- Net assets available for benefits at end of year $ 868,974 $13,074,397 $350,037,836 ========== =========== ============
See accompanying notes to the financial statements. F-6
PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS, WITH FUND INFORMATION -- Restated YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1993 Employer Fund Employee Funds ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Income Viacom Inc. Viacom Inc. Equity Investment Balanced Stock Fund Stock Fund Fund Fund Fund ---------- ---------- ---- ---- ---- Additions to net assets attributable to: Net investment income: Dividends on Paramount Common Stock $ 594,434 $ 355,606 Dividends on common stocks $ 998,781 Interest income 6,319 3,353 83,796 $ 7,795,232 $ 171,749 Administrative expenses ------------ ------------ ----------- ------------- ----------- 600,753 358,959 1,082,577 7,795,232 171,749 Net realized gain on disposition of investments 163,069 3,881,291 301,865 4,009 Unrealized appreciation of investments 24,687,683 11,043,072 2,312,832 223,143 Contributions: Employer 8,935,308 Employee 4,582,967 6,937,898 8,779,439 897,411 Rollovers from non-affiliated plans 699,168 315,683 823,050 989,516 410,892 ------------ ------------ ----------- ------------- ----------- Total additions 35,085,981 20,181,972 11,458,222 17,564,187 1,707,204 Deductions from net assets attributable to: Withdrawals and terminations: Paid in cash (3,622,289) (2,340,320) (4,707,041) (13,763,520) (285,683) Paid in the Company's Common Stock (1,195,127) (1,109,940) Forfeitures (976,558) (11,489) (20,067) Interfund transfers and loan activity, net (14,495) (8,844,646) 2,242,290 (4,384,975) 7,826,337 ------------ ------------ ----------- ------------- ----------- Total deductions (5,808,469) (12,294,906) (2,476,240) (18,168,562) 7,540,654 ------------ ------------ ----------- ------------- ----------- Net additions (deductions) 29,277,512 7,887,066 8,981,982 (604,375) 9,247,858 Net assets available for benefits at beginning of year 31,073,681 19,959,024 35,684,240 119,808,550 -- ------------ ------------ ----------- ------------- ----------- Net assets available for benefits at end of year $ 60,351,193 $27,846,090 $44,666,222 $119,204,175 $ 9,247,858 ============ =========== =========== ============ =========== Clearing Combined Fund Loans Funds ---- ----- ----- Additions to net assets attributable to: Net investment income: Dividends on Paramount Common Stock $ 950,040 Dividends on common stocks 998,781 Interest income $ 5,997 $ 771,704 8,838,150 Administrative expenses (547,943) (547,943) ----------- ------------ -------------- (541,946) 771,704 10,239,028 Net realized gain on disposition of investments 4,350,234 Unrealized appreciation of investments 38,266,730 Contributions: Employer 8,935,308 Employee 21,197,715 Rollovers from non-affiliated plans (54,235) 3,184,074 ----------- ------------ -------------- Total additions (596,181) 771,704 86,173,089 Deductions from net assets attributable to: Withdrawals and terminations: Paid in cash (1,086,745) (25,805,598) Paid in the Company's Common Stock (2,305,067) Forfeitures 1,008,114 -- Interfund transfers and loan activity, net 3,175,489 -- ----------- ------------ -------------- Total deductions 1,008,114 2,088,744 (28,110,665) ----------- ------------ -------------- Net additions (deductions) 411,933 2,860,448 58,062,424 Net assets available for benefits at beginning of year 113,016 9,502,342 216,140,853 ----------- ------------ -------------- Net assets available for benefits at end of year $ 524,949 $12,362,790 $ 274,203,277 ========== =========== =============
See accompanying notes to the financial statements. F-7 PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Note A - Plan Description The following is a brief description of the Paramount Communications Inc. Employees' Savings Plan (the "Plan") and is provided for general information purposes only. Members should refer to the Plan documents for more complete information regarding the Plan. The Plan is a defined contribution plan offered on a voluntary basis to substantially all employees of the former Paramount Communications Inc. ("Paramount"), excluding employees who are party to collective bargaining agreements. Eligible employees may become members in the Plan following the earlier of the attainment of age 25 or the completion of one year of employment service, generally measured from the date of hire. Employees of Paramount Parks may become members of the Plan following the attainment of age 21 and one year of employment service. The Plan is subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA") and is administered by the Retirement Committee appointed by the Board of Directors of the Company (as defined below). Paramount became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Viacom Inc. ("Viacom", collectively with Paramount the "Company" or "Employer") in July 1994 (the "Merger"). In March 1994, pursuant to a tender offer for Paramount, all shares of Paramount Common Stock held by the Plan were tendered to Viacom. The Plan received cash of $107 per share for approximately one-half of the tendered shares and received certain securities of Viacom for its remaining shares of Paramount Common Stock upon completion of the Merger in July 1994. Effective January 3, 1995, Paramount was merged into Viacom International Inc., a wholly- owned subsidiary of Viacom Inc., and Paramount ceased to exist as a separate corporate legal entity. Sponsorship of the Plan, was assumed by PCI's Holdings Corporation, itself a wholly-owned subsidiary of Viacom International Inc. For this reason, the Form 5500 of the Plan for the year ended December 31, 1994, will list PCI's Holdings Corporation as Plan Sponsor and not Paramount. Included in the Viacom securities received by the Plan as part of the Merger consideration were certain contingent value rights ("CVRs") representing the right to receive cash or Viacom securities, at Viacom's option, based on the market value of Viacom Class B common stock during a one, two or three year period, at Viacom's option, following the merger. The Plan's independent fiduciary believes the CVRs are not "Qualifying Employer Securities" under ERISA and that it is prohibited under ERISA Sections 406 and 407 for the Plan to acquire and hold the CVRs. During May 1995 the CVRs held by the Plan were sold and the proceeds were invested in Viacom Class B Common Stock. Viacom intends to file a Prohibited Transaction Exemption Request with the Department of Labor requesting relief from the pertinent ERISA provisions. Effective July 1994, the Plan merged with the Paramount Communications Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "ESOP") and the assets and liabilities under the ESOP were transferred to the Viacom Inc. Stock Fund of the Plan. All members of the ESOP became fully vested in the Plan as of July 7, 1994 and the ESOP now has identical provisions as the Plan, with the exception of certain distribution options and features. Investment Programs The investment programs of the Plan are as follows: Member contribution -- A Member may contribute to the Plan from 1% to 12% of the Member's base pay including certain commissions, subject to adjustment to comply with the Internal Revenue Code. A Member's contributions can be made with pre-tax or after-tax dollars. A Member may change or suspend the amount of the Member's contribution at any time effective as of the first day of any month; however, any suspension must be for a minimum of three months. Upon enrollment or re-enrollment, each Member shall direct that the Member's contributions be invested in one or more of the following investment options in increments of 10%: Viacom Inc. Stock Fund (formerly the Paramount Communications Common Stock Fund) Contributions to this fund are invested in Viacom Inc. Class B Common Stock. In addition, the fund holds all consideration received in exchange for shares of Paramount Common Stock as a result of the Merger. Prior to the Merger, the fund invested in Paramount Common Stock. Dividends received on Paramount Common Stock in the fund were F-8 PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) reinvested in Paramount Common Stock. Chemical Banking Corporation is the trustee of this fund. The fund is managed by the Retirement Committee. Equity Fund This fund is primarily invested in a portfolio of common stocks constructed and maintained with the objective of providing investment results which approximate the performance of the Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Index (the "S&P 500"). The fund may purchase or sell individual securities or futures contracts on the S&P 500 or on a similarly broad index. Equity and market index call options may be written (sold) on the securities in the underlying portfolio but none of the optioned shares will be allowed to be called away. Bankers Trust Company is the trustee and investment manager of this fund. Income Investment Fund This fund is invested in fixed income securities issued by insurance companies, financial institutions and the U.S. Government and its agencies. State Street Bank and Trust Company is the trustee and investment manager of this fund. Balanced Fund This fund, of which J.P. Morgan is the investment manager, invests in a balanced combination of a J.P. Morgan managed bond fund and an equity index fund. This fund was instituted in 1993. Such direction may be revised by the Member quarterly. Employer contribution -- The Employer shall provide a matching contribution of 50% of the first 6% of each Member's contribution. Employer contributions are invested in the Viacom Inc. Stock Fund. Members who commenced employment prior to January 1, 1992 (April 1, 1991 for employees of the publishing operations) vest in the Employer contribution at a rate of 20% for each full year of service. Members who commenced employment after December 31, 1991 (March 31, 1991 for employees of the publishing operations) vest in the Employer contribution after the completion of two full years of service at a rate of 33 1/3% for each of the next three full years of service. Amounts which have been forfeited in accordance with provisions of the Plan may be used to defray administrative expenses or reduce future Employer contributions. Loan Provision -- The Plan permits a Member to borrow funds from the Plan using a portion of the Member's vested account balance as collateral. All loans require approval by the Retirement Committee. Periodic payroll deductions are required to repay the loans on a level amortization basis. Loans involving the purchase of a primary residence may be for any length of time up to 25 years. Loans for any other reason must be repaid within five years. The interest rate on the loans will be determined by the Retirement Committee. In the event of the Member's termination of employment with the Employer, the Member may either repay the loan in full or have the loan balance deducted from the Member account. In 1994, the Company changed its method of reporting loans granted to Plan Members from a reduction of net assets available for benefits to a separate loan receivable included in the net assets available for benefits. This method has been applied retroactively and the financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 1993 have been restated to conform with the current method. The number of Members in each fund as December 31, 1994 was as follows: Employer Fund Viacom Inc. Stock Fund............................. 10,966 Employee Funds Viacom Inc. Stock Fund............................. 3,321 Equity Fund........................................ 6,154 Income Investment Fund............................. 8,175 Balanced Fund...................................... 3,127 F-9 PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) The total number of Members in the Plan was less than the sum of the number of Members shown above because many of the Members participated in more than one fund. Note B - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The accounting records of the Plan are maintained on the accrual basis. Investments are stated at aggregate current value. Investments in securities which are traded on national securities exchanges are valued at the last reported sales price on the last business day of the year; investments traded in the over-the-counter market and listed securities for which no sale was reported on that date are valued at the mean between the last reported bid and ask prices. The Investment Pricing Department of the Trustee establishes current values for other investments which do not have an established market. In cases where call options have been sold against investments, the current value of such investments has been reduced by the current value of the option. All costs and expenses incurred with regard to the purchase, sale or transfer of investments are borne by the Plan. Expenses for administering the Plan may be paid by using Members' forfeitures. Security transactions are recorded on the trade date. Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments represents the change in the difference between current value and the cost of investments. Net realized gain (loss) on disposition of investments represents the difference between the proceeds received and the average cost of investments sold. From time to time certain funds of the Plan enter into certain Standard & Poor's 500 index futures contracts. Gains and losses related to these contracts are calculated based upon the daily closing price of the futures contracts index. Note C - Income Tax Status The Plan received a favorable determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service, dated June 22, 1989, with respect to the qualified status of the Plan under Section 401 of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code") and the tax-exempt status of the underlying trust under Section 501 of the Code. Request for an updated determination letter was filed during March 1995. The Plan is exempt from federal income tax and the Member will not be subject to federal income tax with respect to contributions made by the Employer to the Member's account and any earnings thereon or earnings on all Member contributions while such amounts are held in trust. The Retirement Committee is not aware of any course of action or series of events that have occurred that might adversely affect the Plan's qualified status. The Retirement Committee does not expect the acquisition and holdings of the CVRs as described in Note A to impact the qualification of the Plan or trust. F-10 PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Note D - Investment in Securities The net realized gain on disposition of investments was computed as follows:
Employer Fund Employee Funds ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income Viacom Inc. Viacom Inc. Equity Investment Balanced Combined Stock Fund Stock Fund Fund Fund Fund Funds ---------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- Year ended December 31, 1994 Proceeds $ 162,158,533 $ 75,767,730 $ 18,774,097 $ 48,199,529 $ 13,160,726 $ 318,060,615 Cost-average 133,369,753 62,897,784 18,774,097 48,199,529 13,146,583 276,387,746 ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- Net realized gain $ 28,788,780 $ 12,869,946 $ -0- $ -0- $ 14,143 $ 41,672,869 ============= ============ ============ ============ ============ ============= Year ended December 31, 1993 Proceeds $ 10,718,721 $ 15,548,032 $ 17,735,012 $ 27,415,093 $ 7,492,963 $ 78,909,821 Cost-average 10,555,652 11,666,741 17,433,147 27,415,093 7,488,954 74,559,587 ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- Net realized gain $ 163,069 $ 3,881,291 $ 301,865 $ -0- $ 4,009 $ 4,350,234 ============= ============ ============ ============ ============ =============
The fair value of individual investments that represents 5% or more of the Plan's net assets are as follows:
December 31 ----------------------------------- 1994 1993 ---- ---- Viacom Class B Common Stock $110,324,187 Paramount Common Stock $88,388,790 State Street Bank and Trust Company Government Short-Term Investment Fund 44,651,600 22,259,899
F-11 PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) The Plan assigns units to Members within each of the respective funds. Total units, net asset value per unit and total net assets in each fund at December 31, 1994 and 1993 were as follows:
Total Net Asset Total Net Fund Units Value per Unit Asset Value - ---------------------------------------- -------------- --------------- ------------ December 31, 1994: - ------------------ Employer Fund: Viacom Inc. Stock Fund 88,019,692.150 $1.44401060 $127,101,369 Employee Funds: Viacom Inc. Stock Fund 4,658,282.586 1.68632685 7,855,387 Equity Fund 21,742,288.993 2.45998294 53,485,660 Income Investment Fund 69,914,717.928 1.85569013 129,740,052 Balanced Fund 16,807,797.000 1.06569570 17,911,997 Clearing Fund 868,974 Loans 13,074,397 ------------ Net assets available for benefits $350,037,836 ============ December 31, 1993: - ------------------ Employer Fund: Viacom Inc. Stock Fund 22,345,025.032 $2.70087829 $ 60,351,193 Employee Funds: Viacom Inc. Stock Fund 11,433,263.884 2.43553287 27,846,090 Equity Fund 18,378,327.500 2.43037469 44,666,222 Income Investment Fund 68,205,320.417 1.74772546 119,204,175 Balanced Fund 8,701,902.712 1.06273976 9,247,858 Clearing Fund 524,949 Loans 12,362,790 ------------ Net assets available for benefits $274,203,277 ============
Note E -- Distributions Payable As of December 31, 1994 and December 31, 1993, there were $13,572,089 and $2,718,370, respectively, of assets that have been allocated to participants who have withdrawn from the Plan as of year-end, but for which disbursement of those funds from the Plan has not yet been made. F-12
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e) Current Value ------------- ----------------------- -------- ----------------- EMPLOYER FUND: Viacom Inc. Stock Fund * Viacom Class B Common Stock.................... 2,597,258 $ 93,159,661 $105,838,264 * Viacom Inc. 8% Subordinated Exchangeable Debentures due 7/7/2006 ..................... 13,187,250 7,518,441 11,308,067 * Viacom Inc. Contingent Value Rights Expire 7/7/95................................ 701,407 3,179,804 2,148,410 * Viacom Inc. Warrants to purchase Class B Common Stock ........................ Expire 7/6/97 ............................. 965 1,159 3,197 Expire 7/6/99 ............................. 579 2,000 3,112 * State Street Bank Short-Term Investment Fund.............................. 7,619,432 7,619,432 7,619,432 * State Street Bank Warrants .................... 1,405,572 1,405,572 1,405,572 * Chemical Bank Short-Term Investment Fund.............................. 1,550,185 1,550,185 1,550,185 ------------ ------------ Total Viacom Inc. Stock Fund-Employer.......... 114,436,254 129,876,239 EMPLOYEE FUNDS: Viacom Inc. Stock Fund * Viacom Class B Common Stock ....................... 105,184 2,942,795 4,286,248 * Viacom Inc. 8% Subordinated Exchangeable Debentures due 7/7/2006 ......................... 2,115,750 1,224,028 1,814,256 * Viacom Inc. Contingent Value Rights ............... Expire 7/7/95 ................................... 94,067 434,434 288,127 * State Street Bank Short-Term Investment Fund ................................. 3,953 3,953 3,953 * State Street Bank Warrants ........................ 211,815 211,815 211,815 * Chemical Bank Short-Term Investment Fund ............................... 1,364,438 1,364,438 1,364,438 ------------ ------------ Total Viacom Inc. Stock Fund-Employee ............. 6,181,463 7,968,837 Equity Fund Temporary Investments * Bankers Trust Company Temporary Investment Fund ................................... 1,637,983 1,637,983 1,637,983 * Bankers Trust United States Treasury Bills .................................... 200,000 198,155 198,155
*Identified as a party-in-interest to the Plan. S-1
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e)Current Value ------------- ----------------------- -------- ---------------- Domestic Common Stocks Aerospace Boeing Co..................................... 5,400 247,218 253,800 General Dynamics Corp......................... 1,000 23,951 43,500 Lockheed Corp................................. 1,100 56,436 79,888 Loral Corp.................................... 1,500 38,678 56,813 Martin Marietta Corp.......................... 1,600 48,748 71,000 McDonnell Douglas Corp........................ 700 46,799 99,400 Northrop Grumman Corp......................... 200 5,277 8,400 Raytheon Co................................... 2,200 100,845 140,525 Rockwell International Corp................... 3,000 84,750 107,250 United Technologies Corp...................... 2,100 113,189 132,038 ------------ ------------ Total Aerospace........................ 765,891 992,614 Automotive Allied Signal Inc............................. 4,700 112,877 159,800 Chrysler Corp................................. 5,300 139,378 259,700 Cummins Engine Inc............................ 700 29,094 31,675 Dana Corp..................................... 400 7,351 9,400 Eaton Corp.................................... 1,400 56,798 69,300 Ford Motor Co................................. 14,600 305,511 406,975 General Motors Corp........................... 11,200 462,389 471,800 Genuine Parts Co.............................. 1,450 46,789 52,200 Paccar Inc.................................... 575 21,927 25,444 Parker Hannifin Corp.......................... 1,000 44,803 45,500 Variety Corp.................................. 700 23,111 25,375 ------------ ------------ Total Automotive....................... 1,250,028 1,557,169 Banks Banc One Corp................................. 6,772 214,412 171,840 BankAmerica Corp.............................. 6,108 233,519 241,266 Bank Boston Corp.............................. 1,600 36,769 41,400 Barnett Banks Inc............................. 1,400 54,687 53,900 Boatmen's Bancshares Inc...................... 1,600 41,516 43,400 Chase Manhattan Bank Corp..................... 3,200 76,148 110,000 * Chemical Banking Corp......................... 4,268 127,625 153,115 Citicorp...................................... 6,300 153,084 260,663 Corestates Financial Corp..................... 2,000 43,167 52,000 First Chicago Corp............................ 1,700 70,270 81,175 First Fidelity Bancorporation................. 600 21,721 26,925 First Interstate Bancorp...................... 1,400 59,565 94,675 First Union Corp.............................. 2,600 83,260 107,575 Mellon Bank Corp.............................. 2,550 90,000 78,094 * JP Morgan & Co. Inc........................... 3,100 176,021 173,988 NBD Bancorp Inc............................... 1,950 51,647 53,381 National City Corp............................ 1,800 50,211 46,575 S-2
* Identified as a party-in-interest to the Plan.
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e) Current Value ------------- ----------------------- -------- ----------------- Banks (continued) Nationsbank Corp............................................ 4,437 175,663 200,220 Norwest Corp................................................ 4,800 90,881 112,200 PNC Bank Corp............................................... 2,400 47,254 50,700 Shawmut National Corp....................................... 700 14,634 11,463 Suntrust Banks Inc.......................................... 1,200 33,501 57,300 U.S. Bancorp................................................ 2,050 43,619 46,381 Wells Fargo & Co............................................ 900 68,633 130,500 ----------- ----------- Total Banks ........................................... 2,057,807 2,398,736 Beverage Anheuser-Busch Companies Inc................................ 4,200 214,053 213,675 The Coca-Cola Company ...................................... 19,200 682,757 988,800 Adolph Coors Co............................................. 500 8,426 8,375 Pepsico Inc................................................. 12,000 403,547 435,000 ----------- ----------- Total Beverage ........................................ 1,308,783 1,645,850 Building - Forest Products Champion International Corp................................. 1,800 66,193 65,700 Georgia Pacific Corp........................................ 1,500 80,700 107,250 Johnson Controls Corp....................................... 300 14,667 14,700 Louisiana Pacific Corp...................................... 1,700 30,985 46,325 Weyerhaeuser Co............................................. 3,500 110,459 131,250 ----------- ----------- Total Building - Forest Products ...................... 303,004 365,225 Building - Other Armstrong World Industries Inc.............................. 900 41,343 34,650 Centex Corp................................................. 700 23,898 15,925 Fleetwood Enterprises Inc................................... 800 18,354 15,000 Fluor Corp.................................................. 1,500 65,407 64,688 Masco Corp.................................................. 3,000 74,381 67,875 Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp............................... 800 16,740 25,500 The Stanley Works .......................................... 100 4,068 3,575 ----------- ----------- Total Building - Other ............................... 244,191 227,213 Chemical Air Products & Chemicals Inc............................... 1,600 54,795 71,400 American Cyanamid Co....................................... 0 0 0 Dow Chemical Co............................................ 4,400 257,465 295,900 E I DuPont De Nemours & Co................................. 10,500 483,080 589,313 Eastman Chem Co............................................ 1,350 50,766 68,175 Engelhard Corp............................................. 1,675 43,457 37,059 FMC Corp................................................... 100 5,093 5,775 W R Grace & Co............................................. 1,200 41,222 46,350 Great Lakes Chemical Corp.................................. 1,100 63,512 62,700 S-3
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e) Current Value ------------- ----------------------- -------- ----------------- Chemical (continued) Hercules Inc. ...................................... 700 35,023 80,763 Mallinckrodt Group Inc. ............................ 1,500 50,176 44,789 Monsanto Co. ....................................... 1,900 113,864 133,950 Morton International Inc. .......................... 2,400 47,044 68,400 Nalco Chemical Co. ................................. 400 11,500 13,400 PPG Industries Inc. ................................ 2,800 70,056 103,948 Praxair Inc. Co..................................... 2,675 39,911 54,838 Raychem Corp. ...................................... 300 10,428 10,688 Rohm & Haas Co ..................................... 700 30,755 39,986 Safety Kleen Corp. ................................. 450 11,252 6,638 Sigma Aldrich Corp.................................. 1,100 39,485 36,300 Union Carbide Corp.................................. 2,775 39,230 81,516 ---------- ---------- Total Chemical .................................. 1,498,114 1,851,888 Coal Santa Fe Pac Gold Corp. ............................ 1,925 25,578 25,025 Container ACX Technologies Inc. .............................. 0.667 16 27 Crown Cork & Seal Inc. ............................. 1,700 54,809 64,175 Stone Container Corp. .............................. 1,420 21,928 24,673 Temple Inland Inc. ................................. 300 10,314 13,538 Yellow Corp. ....................................... 500 14,540 11,938 -------- -------- Total Container .............................. 101,607 114,351 Cosmetic Avon Products Inc. ................................. 1,200 53,203 71,700 Gillette Co. ....................................... 3,500 167,642 262,063 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. ............ 1,500 45,182 69,375 -------- -------- Total Cosmetic ............................... 266,027 403,138 Drug Abbott Labs......................................... 12,700 340,967 414,338 American Home Products Corp. ....................... 4,800 318,625 301,200 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. ........................... 7,600 514,902 439,850 Eli Lilly & Co. .................................... 4,400 308,933 288,750 Merck & Co. Inc. ................................... 18,700 717,046 712,938 Pfizer Inc. ........................................ 4,700 288,591 363,075 Schering Plough Corp. .............................. 2,900 171,578 214,600 Upjohn Co. ......................................... 2,800 107,234 86,100 Warner Lambert Co. ................................. 2,200 152,556 169,400 ---------- --------- Total Drug .................................. 2,920,432 2,990,251
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e)Current Value ------------- ----------------------- -------- ---------------- Electrical Equipment Emerson Electric Co. ................................. 3,600 182,484 224,550 General Electric Co. ................................. 25,600 1,013,569 1,305,600 General Signal Corp. ................................. 300 10,619 9,563 W W Grainger Inc. .................................... 900 42,438 51,975 ITT Corp. ............................................ 1,900 115,705 168,388 Tyco Labs Inc. ....................................... 1,400 62,339 66,500 Westinghouse Electric Corp. .......................... 6,000 116,823 73,500 --------- --------- Total Electrical Equipment ......................... 1,543,977 1,900,076 Electrical Household Appliances Maytag Corp. ......................................... 800 14,404 12,000 Whirlpool Corp. ...................................... 1,300 50,411 65,325 Zenith Electrs Corp. ................................. 1,500 16,890 17,438 --------- --------- Total Electrical Household Appliances .............. 81,705 94,763 Electronics Advanced Micro Devices Inc. .......................... 1,900 29,359 47,263 AMP Inc. ............................................. 1,800 104,345 130,950 Andrew Corp. ......................................... 600 29,124 31,350 DSC Communications Corp. ............................. 2,100 21,260 75,338 E-Systems Inc. ....................................... 200 7,501 8,325 Hewlett Packard Co. .................................. 3,800 239,899 379,525 Intel Corp. .......................................... 6,200 251,104 396,025 Motorola Inc. ........................................ 8,500 241,390 493,000 National Semiconducter Corp. ......................... 2,700 30,623 52,650 Scientific Atlanta Inc. .............................. 1,700 16,317 35,700 Texas Instrument Inc. ................................ 1,400 64,233 104,825 --------- --------- Total Electronics .................................. 1,035,155 1,754,951 Finance American Express Co. ................................. 7,900 186,859 233,050 Beneficial Corp. ..................................... 400 15,726 15,600 Dean Witter Discover & Co. ........................... 3,017 96,984 102,201 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. ..................... 2,600 113,066 131,300 Federal National Mortgage Association ................ 4,200 259,568 306,075 Fleet Financial Group Inc. ........................... 2,700 86,043 87,413 Key Corp. ............................................ 3,800 124,488 95,000 MBNA Corp. ........................................... 2,700 43,418 63,112 Salomon Inc. ......................................... 1,400 37,254 52,500 --------- --------- Total Finance ...................................... 963,406 1,086,251 Food Archer Daniels Midland Co. ........................... 8,421 133,206 173,683 CPC International Inc. ............................... 2,500 107,381 133,125
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e) Current Value ------------- ----------------------- -------- ----------------- Food (continued) Campbell Soup Co. ................................. 3,400 125,300 149,600 Conagra Inc. ...................................... 3,950 116,816 123,438 General Mills Inc. ................................ 2,500 148,853 142,813 H J Heinz Co. ..................................... 4,000 146,513 147,000 Hershey Foods Corp. ............................... 600 24,733 29,025 Kellogg Co. ....................................... 3,200 163,708 186,000 Pet Inc. .......................................... 1,400 27,444 27,650 Pioneer Hi Bred International Inc. ................ 1,800 64,755 62,100 Premark Intl. Inc. ................................ 1,200 33,216 53,700 Quaker Oats Co. ................................... 2,400 75,482 73,800 Ralston Purina Co. ................................ 1,300 55,706 58,013 Sara Lee Corp. .................................... 7,800 179,864 196,950 Supervalue Inc. ................................... 500 14,253 12,188 Sysco Corp. ....................................... 3,300 72,615 84,974 Wendy's International Inc. ........................ 2,000 19,048 28,750 Whitman Corp. ..................................... 700 6,949 12,075 Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. ............................... 1,300 39,874 64,187 --------- --------- Total Food ..................................... 1,555,716 1,759,071 Home Furnishings Newell Co. ........................................ 2,600 45,612 54,600 Hotel - Motel Hilton Hotels Corp. ............................... 800 48,838 54,400 Marriot Int'l Corp. ............................... 1,300 32,742 36,563 --------- --------- Total Hotel - Motel ............................ 81,580 90,963 Hotel - Restaurant Bally Entertainment Corp. ......................... 1,700 17,663 10,413 McDonalds Corp. ................................... 10,600 224,461 310,050 Shoneys Inc. ...................................... 800 19,808 10,200 --------- --------- Total Hotel - Restaurant ....................... 261,932 330,663 Insurance Aetna Life & Casualty Co. ......................... 1,200 54,905 56,550 American General Corp. ............................ 3,000 75,251 84,750 American International Group Inc. ................. 4,937 339,813 483,826 Cigna Corp. ....................................... 800 42,205 50,900 Chubb Corp. ....................................... 1,500 103,309 116,063 Continental Corp. ................................. 300 9,116 5,700 General Re Corp. .................................. 1,300 125,903 160,550 Jefferson Pilot Corp. ............................. 300 8,451 15,563 Lincoln National Corp. ............................ 900 29,861 31,500 Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc. ........................ 1,100 88,297 87,175
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e)Current Value ------------- ----------------------- -------- ---------------- Insurance (continued) Providian Corp. ..................................... 1,500 44,735 46,313 Safeco Corp. ........................................ 1,200 55,893 62,400 St. Paul Cos. Inc. .................................. 1,200 40,710 53,700 Torchmark Corp. ..................................... 750 31,323 26,156 Travelers Corp. ..................................... 4,804 127,753 155,530 Unum Corp. .......................................... 1,200 67,812 45,300 USF&G Corp. ......................................... 800 22,908 10,900 --------- --------- Total Insurance ................................... 1,268,245 1,492,876 Investment Companies Avery Dennison Corp. ................................ 600 14,853 21,300 Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. ............................ 3,300 85,952 117,975 Wachovia Corp. ...................................... 1,900 73,920 61,275 --------- --------- Total Investment Companies ........................ 174,725 200,550 Leisure and Recreation American Greetings Corp. ............................ 1,500 33,549 40,500 Brunswick Corp. ..................................... 1,900 33,690 35,863 Hasbro Inc. ......................................... 1,450 40,114 42,231 Mattel Inc. ......................................... 2,575 44,956 64,697 Promus Cos. Inc. .................................... 2,000 41,277 61,750 Walt Disney Co. ..................................... 8,000 279,724 368,000 --------- --------- Total Leisure and Recreation ...................... 473,310 613,041 Machinery - Agriculture Deere & Co. ......................................... 1,500 87,403 99,375 Machinery - Tools Black & Decker Corp. ................................ 1,000 15,629 23,750 Giddings & Lewis Inc. ............................... 1,200 25,562 17,700 Illinois Tool Works Inc. ............................ 1,300 42,675 56,875 Snap-On Tools Corp. ................................. 200 7,226 6,650 --------- --------- Total Machinery - Tools ........................... 91,092 104,975 Machinery - Other Caterpillar Inc. .................................... 3,300 102,132 181,912 Cooper Industries Inc. .............................. 1,900 88,350 64,600 Dover Corp. ......................................... 400 15,253 20,650 Dresser Industries Inc. ............................. 3,300 66,775 62,288 Harnischfeger Industries Inc. ....................... 600 12,303 16,875 Ingersoll Rand Co. .................................. 1,700 48,060 53,550 Millipore Corp. ..................................... 176 5,875 8,514 Pall Corporation. ................................... 1,666 29,718 31,238 TRW Inc. ............................................ 1,000 60,448 66,000 Textron Inc. ........................................ 900 30,082 45,337 --------- --------- Total Machinery - Other ........................... 458,996 550,964
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e) Current Value ------------- ----------------------- -------- ----------------- Medical Supply and Service Alza Corp. ..................................... 1,300 48,548 23,400 Amgen Inc. ..................................... 2,000 113,786 118,000 C R Bard Inc. .................................. 200 3,151 5,400 Bausch & Lomb Inc. ............................. 1,300 53,987 44,038 Baxter International Inc. ...................... 4,800 133,751 135,600 Becton Dickinson & Co. ......................... 1,000 32,703 48,000 Biomet Inc. .................................... 1,800 36,409 25,200 Columbia Healthcare Corp. ...................... 5,688 202,290 207,612 Community Psychiatric Centers. ................. 1,000 15,278 11,000 Johnson & Johnson. ............................. 9,600 436,941 525,599 Medtronic Inc. ................................. 2,000 65,416 111,250 National Medical Enterprises Inc. .............. 3,100 52,030 43,788 St. Jude Medical Inc. .......................... 1,100 45,101 43,725 Shared Medical Systems Corp. ................... 500 10,205 16,375 United Healthcare Corp. ........................ 2,800 130,082 126,350 United States Surgical Corp. ................... 1,200 73,635 22,800 US Healthcare Inc. ............................. 2,700 107,650 111,375 --------- --------- Total Medical Supply and Service ............... 1,560,963 1,619,512 Metals - Aluminum Aluminum Co. of America......................... 1,500 100,131 129,938 Reynolds Metals Co. ............................ 800 42,936 39,200 --------- --------- Total Metals - Aluminum ..................... 143,067 169,138 Metals - Steel Bethlehem Steel Corp. .......................... 1,700 31,395 30,600 Nucor Corp. .................................... 1,500 48,148 83,063 USX Corp. - US Steel Group ..................... 1,460 42,522 51,830 Worthington Industries Inc. .................... 1,350 17,777 27,000 --------- --------- Total Metals - Steel ........................ 139,842 192,493 Metals - Other Amax Inc. ...................................... 1,750 42,350 45,719 Asarco Inc. .................................... 400 10,192 11,400 Homestake Mining Co. ........................... 2,900 44,982 49,663 Newmont Mining Corp. ........................... 1,672 57,548 60,192 Phelps Dodge Corp. ............................. 1,300 47,844 80,437 --------- --------- Total Metals - Other ........................ 202,916 247,411 Office Equipment Alco Standard Corp. ............................ 900 44,868 56,475 Amdahl Corp. ................................... 900 13,617 9,900 Apple Computer Inc. ............................ 1,800 77,332 70,200 Autodesk Inc. .................................. 1,200 22,477 47,550
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e)Current Value - --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ---------------- Office Equipment (continued) Automatic Data Processing Inc....................... 2,200 85,896 128,700 Cisco Systems Inc................................... 3,900 129,171 136,988 Compaq Computer Corp................................ 3,900 82,948 154,050 Computer Associates International Inc............... 2,700 41,510 130,950 Computer Sciences Corp.............................. 900 21,329 45,900 Cray Research Inc................................... 400 17,989 6,250 Data General Corp................................... 800 11,502 8,000 Digital Equipment Corp.............................. 2,500 123,731 83,125 First Data Corp..................................... 1,900 94,271 90,013 Honeywell Inc....................................... 2,100 61,268 66,150 Intergraph Corp..................................... 200 4,802 1,625 International Business Machines Corp................ 8,700 758,963 639,450 Lotus Development Corp.............................. 800 26,708 32,800 Microsoft Corp...................................... 8,700 475,305 531,788 Micron Technology Corp.............................. 1,500 54,328 66,188 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co................. 6,600 314,548 352,275 Novell Inc.......................................... 5,500 125,581 94,188 Oracle Systems Corp................................. 4,600 73,514 202,975 Pitney Bowes Inc.................................... 1,900 58,919 60,325 Sun Microsystems ................................... 1,400 44,845 49,700 Tandem Computers Inc................................ 2,100 37,926 35,963 Unisys Corp......................................... 2,300 22,310 19,835 Xerox Corp.......................................... 1,700 120,463 168,300 ------------ ------------ Total Office Equipment .......................... 2,946,121 3,289,663 Oil - Domestic Amerada Hess Corp.................................. 1,500 69,630 68,438 Amoco Corp......................................... 7,700 401,335 455,263 Atlantic Richfield Co.............................. 2,500 277,837 254,375 Burlington Res. Inc................................ 2,300 102,090 80,500 Chevron Corp....................................... 10,200 382,558 455,175 Kerr McGee Corp.................................... 300 13,689 13,875 Louisiana Land & Exploration Co.................... 100 4,855 3,638 Maxus Energy Corp.................................. 2,000 13,505 6,750 Occidental Petroleum Corp.......................... 5,200 105,507 100,100 Pennzoil Co........................................ 300 22,502 13,238 Phillips Petroleum Co.............................. 4,300 113,091 140,825 Sun Company Inc.................................... 1,200 43,808 34,500 Tenneco Inc........................................ 2,900 129,880 123,249 USX - Marathon Group Inc........................... 5,100 109,968 83,513 Unocal Corp........................................ 3,900 101,510 106,274 Williams Cos....................................... 2,000 46,092 50,250 ------------ ------------ Total Oil - Domestic ....................... 1,937,857 1,989,963
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e)Current Value - --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ---------------- Oil - International Exxon Corp......................................... 18,600 1,072,169 1,129,950 Mobil Corp......................................... 5,900 402,586 497,075 PecoEnergy Co...................................... 3,900 89,690 95,550 Texaco Inc......................................... 4,100 246,592 245,488 ------------ ------------ Total Oil - International .................... 1,811,037 1,968,063 Oil - Service Ashland Oil Inc.................................... 400 14,602 13,800 Baker Hughes Inc................................... 2,500 55,764 45,625 Foster Wheeler Corp................................ 300 8,102 8,925 Halliburton Co..................................... 2,100 74,493 69,563 McDermott International Inc........................ 800 20,631 19,800 Noram Energy Corp.................................. 2,400 31,477 12,900 Oryx Energy Co..................................... 1,000 31,604 11,875 Sante Fe Energy Reserve Inc........................ 361 10,023 2,888 Western Atlas Inc.................................. 600 20,209 22,575 ------------ ------------ Total Oil - Service ........................ 266,905 207,951 Paper Federal Paper Brd. Inc. ........................... 700 21,539 20,300 International Paper Co............................. 1,900 120,335 143,213 James River Corp................................... 500 13,003 10,125 Kimberly Clark Corp................................ 2,700 125,800 136,013 Mead Corp.......................................... 1,200 50,884 58,350 Scott Paper Co..................................... 1,300 47,302 89,861 Union Camp Corp.................................... 1,100 45,810 51,838 Westvaco Corp...................................... 400 10,602 15,700 ------------ ------------ Total Paper ................................ 435,275 525,400 Photographic Eastman Kodak Co.................................. 5,100 198,998 243,525 Polaroid Corp..................................... 400 16,402 13,000 ------------ ------------ Total Photographic .......................... 215,400 256,525 Pollution Control Browning Ferris Industries Inc.................... 3,000 82,901 85,125 WMX Technologies Inc.............................. 7,500 281,560 195,938 ------------ ------------ Total Pollution Control ..................... 364,461 281,063 Publishing DeLuxe Corporation ............................... 1,400 49,049 36,925 R R Donnelley & Sons Co........................... 2,200 52,423 64,900 Dow Jones & Co. Inc............................... 700 17,679 21,700 Dun & Bradstreet Corp............................. 2,800 145,191 154,000 Gannett Inc....................................... 2,500 107,938 133,125 Knight-Ridder Inc................................. 900 49,102 45,450
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e) Current Value - --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ----------------- Publishing (continued) McGraw Hill Inc.................................... 800 46,303 53,500 New York Times Co.................................. 700 17,046 15,488 Time Warner Inc.................................... 6,120 179,905 214,965 Times Mirror Co.................................... 1,400 46,179 43,925 Tribune Co......................................... 700 35,750 38,325 ---------- --------- Total Publishing.............................. 746,565 822,303 Real Estate Household International Corp....................... 1,000 32,660 37,125 Retailing Airtouch Communications............................ 7,900 163,417 230,088 Albertsons Inc..................................... 4,300 87,564 124,700 American Stores Co................................. 2,400 43,468 64,500 Charming Shoppes Inc............................... 2,200 23,231 14,575 Circuit City Stores Inc............................ 2,000 30,279 44,500 Dayton Hudson Corp................................. 1,200 83,270 84,900 Dillard Department Stores Inc...................... 2,100 71,943 56,175 Fleming Companies Inc.............................. 500 16,827 11,625 GAP Stores Inc..................................... 2,200 74,417 67,100 Giant Food Inc..................................... 400 11,052 8,700 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Inc............... 200 11,251 3,625 Harcourt General Inc............................... 400 8,102 14,100 Home Depot......................................... 6,800 231,888 312,800 K Mart Corp........................................ 5,700 117,119 74,100 The Kroger Co...................................... 800 17,726 19,300 Limited Inc........................................ 6,000 143,287 108,750 Lowes Companies Inc................................ 2,800 54,937 97,300 May Department Stores Co........................... 4,100 123,636 138,375 Mercantile Stores Inc.............................. 700 27,686 27,650 Nordstrom Inc...................................... 1,300 43,129 54,600 J C Penney Inc..................................... 3,800 137,292 169,575 Pep Boys Manny Moe & Jack.......................... 600 20,949 18,600 Price/Costco Inc................................... 4,191 78,760 53,959 Rite Aid Corp...................................... 1,800 34,293 42,075 Sears Roebuck & Co................................. 4,900 156,674 225,400 Sherwin Williams Co................................ 600 12,702 20,025 TJX Cos Inc........................................ 1,000 27,280 15,625 Tandy Corp......................................... 1,133 46,965 56,650 Toys R Us Inc...................................... 4,650 148,169 142,406 Wal Mart Stores Inc................................ 33,400 770,950 709,750 Walgreen Co........................................ 1,600 54,624 69,800 Winn Dixie Stores Inc.............................. 600 20,102 30,825 Woolworth Corp..................................... 2,200 60,870 33,000 ------------ ----------- Total Retailing .............................. 2,953,859 3,145,153
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e) Current Value - --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ----------------- Savings and Loan H F Ahmanson & Co.................................. 1,600 28,576 25,800 Golden West Financial Corp......................... 500 16,443 17,625 Great Western Financial Corp....................... 2,300 41,657 36,800 ------------ ------------ Total Savings and Loan.......................... 86,676 80,225 Service H & R Block, Inc................................... 1,900 60,769 70,538 Interpublic Group.................................. 1,400 43,366 44,975 National Service Industries Inc.................... 200 5,292 5,125 Service Corp. International........................ 1,050 15,090 29,138 Transamerica Corp.................................. 766 35,606 38,108 ------------ ------------ Total Service................................... 160,123 187,884 Soap Clorox Co.......................................... 400 17,552 23,550 Colgate Palmolive Co............................... 2,400 113,675 152,100 Dial Corp.......................................... 1,200 20,023 25,500 Procter & Gamble Co................................ 10,300 487,704 638,600 ------------ ------------ Total Soap...................................... 638,954 839,750 Textiles and Apparel Corning Inc........................................ 3,700 121,190 110,538 Liz Claiborne Inc.................................. 1,300 48,622 22,100 Melville Corp...................................... 1,300 58,408 40,138 Nike Inc........................................... 900 50,925 67,163 Oshkosh B Gosh Inc................................. 200 7,001 2,800 Reebok International Ltd........................... 1,600 42,341 63,200 Stride Rite Corp................................... 1,000 19,256 11,125 V F Corp........................................... 1,000 42,887 48,625 ------------ ------------ Total Textiles and Apparel ..................... 390,630 365,689 Tire and Rubber B F Goodrich Co.................................... 300 13,652 13,013 Cooper Tire & Rubber............................... 1,400 22,985 33,075 Goodyear Tire & Rubber............................. 2,700 78,063 90,788 Rubbermaid Inc..................................... 1,500 37,440 43,124 ------------ ------------ Total Tire and Rubber........................... 152,140 180,000 Tobacco American Brands Inc................................ 2,700 105,319 101,250 Philip Morris Companies Inc........................ 13,000 778,301 747,500 UST Inc............................................ 3,600 91,077 100,350 ------------ ------------ Total Tobacco................................... 974,697 949,100
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e)Current Value - --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ---------------- Transportation - Air Transport AMR Corp........................................ 1,400 81,920 74,550 Delta Air Lines Inc............................. 800 49,502 40,400 Southwest Airlines.............................. 2,800 72,119 46,900 US Air Group Inc................................ 1,300 20,657 5,525 --------- --------- Total Transportation - Air Transport.......... 224,198 167,375 Transportation - Other Burlington Northern Inc.......................... 1,600 67,303 77,000 CSX Corp......................................... 1,800 96,005 125,325 Consolidated Freightways Inc..................... 600 9,828 13,425 Consolidated Rail Corp........................... 1,400 50,773 70,700 Federal Express Corp............................. 1,000 56,128 60,250 Norfolk Southern Corp............................ 1,800 91,243 109,125 Roadway Services Inc............................. 700 38,341 39,725 Ryder Systems Inc................................ 600 11,566 13,200 Santa Fe Southern Pacific Corp................... 3,609 38,065 63,158 Union Pacific Corp............................... 3,400 162,986 154,275 --------- --------- Total Transportation - Other................... 622,238 726,183 TV and Radio Broadcasters CBS Inc.......................................... 1,155 47,202 63,814 Capital Cities/ABC Inc........................... 2,500 122,210 213,125 Comcast Corp..................................... 3,600 74,049 56,477 Tele-Communications Inc.......................... 8,800 173,356 191,400 * Viacom Inc....................................... 4,900 188,756 199,675 --------- --------- Total TV and Radio Broadcasters 605,573 724,491 Utility - Electric American Electric Power Co. Inc.................. 2,800 89,597 92,049 Baltimore Gas & Electric Co...................... 1,250 27,142 27,655 Carolina Power & Light Co........................ 1,500 38,205 39,938 Central & South West Corp........................ 3,500 85,316 79,187 Cinergy Corp..................................... 2,920 67,104 68,620 Consolidated Edison Co. of N.Y. Inc.............. 4,200 114,044 108,150 Detroit Edison Co................................ 2,400 71,426 62,700 Dominion Resources Inc. (VA)..................... 1,800 61,577 64,800 Duke Power Co.................................... 2,400 74,718 91,500 Entergy Corp..................................... 4,100 115,197 89,688 FPL Group Inc.................................... 3,100 107,066 108,888 Houston Industries Inc........................... 2,200 86,377 78,375 Niagara Mohawk Power Corp........................ 3,000 47,556 42,750 Northern States Power Co. (MN)................... 400 14,302 17,600 Ohio Edison Co................................... 1,000 20,255 18,500
* Identified as a party-in-interest to the Plan. S-13
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e) Current Value - --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ----------------- Utility - Electric (continued) Pacific Gas & Electric Co ......................... 7,100 200,501 173,063 Pacificorp ........................................ 3,400 72,946 61,625 Public Service Enterprise Group Inc ............... 3,200 90,194 84,800 SCECorp ........................................... 7,700 156,744 112,613 Southern Co ....................................... 10,500 175,190 210,000 Texas Utilities Co ................................ 3,800 149,745 121,600 Unicom Corp ....................................... 3,300 106,150 79,200 Union Electric Co ................................. 800 28,421 28,300 --------- --------- Total Utility - Electric .................... 1,999,773 1,861,601 Utility - Natural Gas Coastal Corp ...................................... 1,400 38,213 36,050 Columbia Gas Systems Inc .......................... 300 13,352 7,050 Consolidated Natural Gas Co ....................... 1,500 68,571 53,250 Enron Corp ........................................ 4,200 89,733 128,100 Enserch Corp ...................................... 800 15,372 10,500 Nicor Inc ......................................... 200 4,630 4,550 Pacific Enterprises ............................... 400 17,702 8,500 Panhandle Eastern Corp ............................ 1,900 38,512 37,525 Sonat Inc ......................................... 1,600 36,871 44,800 --------- --------- Total Utility - Natural Gas ................. 322,956 330,325 Utility - Telephone American Telephone & Telegraph Co ................. 23,419 1,077,020 1,176,805 Ameritech Corp .................................... 7,800 270,723 314,925 Bell Atlantic Corp ................................ 6,100 315,352 303,475 BellSouth Corp .................................... 7,400 393,231 400,525 GTE Corp .......................................... 14,900 491,492 452,588 MCI Communications Corp ........................... 10,200 207,266 187,425 NYNEX Corp ........................................ 6,300 257,599 231,525 Pacific Telesis Group ............................. 6,900 192,763 196,650 Southwestern Bell Corp ............................ 9,400 310,666 379,525 Sprint Corp ....................................... 5,200 161,998 143,650 U S West Inc ...................................... 7,300 287,013 260,062 --------- --------- Total Utility - Telephone ................... 3,965,123 4,047,155 Vending and Food Service Bruno's Inc ....................................... 1,300 16,575 10,888 --------- --------- Total Domestic Common Stocks ......................... 42,780,900 47,927,008 Foreign Common Stocks Beverage Seagram Ltd ....................................... 4,600 114,945 135,700
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) Similar Party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e)Current Value - --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ---------------- Electronics Northern Telecom Ltd .............................. 2,900 106,878 96,788 Food Unilever N.V. ..................................... 2,300 223,972 267,950 Machinery - Other Echo Bay Mines Ltd ................................ 2,100 23,657 22,313 Metals - Aluminum Alcan Aluminum Ltd ................................ 2,900 65,810 73,588 Metals - Other American Barrick Resources Corp ................... 5,600 147,951 124,600 Inco Ltd .......................................... 2,000 54,142 57,250 Placer Dome Inc ................................... 4,300 79,169 93,525 ------- -------- Total Metals - Other ........................... 281,262 275,375 Office Equipment Moore Corp. Ltd ................................... 700 20,041 13,213 Oil - International Royal Dutch Petroleum Co .......................... 8,000 689,380 862,000 Oil - Service Schlumberger Ltd ................................ 3,900 231,484 196,463 ----------- ---------- Total Foreign Common Stocks .......................... 1,757,429 1,943,390 ----------- ---------- Total Common Stocks ....................... 44,538,329 49,870,398 ----------- ---------- Cash ...................................... 809,872 809,872 ----------- ---------- Total Equity Fund ......................... 47,184,339 52,516,408 ----------- ---------- Income Investment Fund Temporary Investments * State Street Bank & Trust Company Government Short-Term Investment Fund ................................... 44,651,600 44,651,600 44,651,600 Guaranteed Investment Contracts * Bankers Trust Company 4.869%; interest and principal due monthly commencing November 15, 1995; final payment due November 15, 1997 ................................... 10,012,636 10,012,636 10,012,636 * Identified as a party-in-interest to the Plan. S-15
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e) Current Value - --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ----------------- Guaranteed Investment Contracts (continued) * Bankers Trust Company 6.45%; interest and principal due September 30, 1995 and December 31, 1996.............................. 11,912,568 11,912,568 11,912,568 * J.P. Morgan 5.8%; interest and principal due June 30, 1994, March 31, 1995 and September 30, 1995......................... 6,731,156 6,731,156 6,731,156 * J.P. Morgan 5.329%; interest and principal due semi-annually commencing July 15, 1996; final payment due January 15, 1999............. 10,820,717 10,820,717 10,820,717 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. 8.95%; interest and principal due December 31, 1994.......................... 2,049,660 2,049,660 2,049,660 Principal Mutual Life Insurance Co. 9.04%; interest and principal due September 30, 1995 and 1996.................... 4,695,009 4,695,009 4,695,009 Principal Mutual Life Insurance Co. 8.10%; interest and principal due June 30, 1995 and 1996......................... 4,681,350 4,681,350 4,681,350 Prudential Insurance Company of America 7.62%; interest and principal due June 30, 1994 and 1995 and December 31, 1995.............................. 3,446,671 3,446,671 3,446,671 Prudential Insurance Company of America 8.72%; interest and principal due March 31, 1994 and December 31, 1995.............................. 2,430,878 2,430,878 2,430,878 Prudential Insurance Company of America 9.55 %; interest and principal due March 31, 1994 and 1995.................... 2,766,106 2,766,106 2,766,106 Rabobank of the Netherlands 5.6%........................................... 10,001,556 10,001,556 10,001,556
*Identified as a party-in-interest to the Plan. S-16
Schedule I PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 1994 (c) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (b) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (a) similar party par or maturity value (d) Cost (e) Current Value - --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ----------------- Union Bank of Switzerland 4.945%; interest and principal due November 15, 1996 and January 15, 1998........ 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 Total Guaranteed Investment Contracts..................................... 79,548,307 79,548,307 ----------- ----------- Cash and Cash Equivalents....................... 3,876,637 3,876,637 ----------- ----------- Total Income Fund................................. 128,076,544 128,076,544 Balanced Fund * Chemical Bank Short-Term Investment Fund................................. 1,527 1,527 1,527 * J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. Liquidity Fund.................................. 786 786,000 786,000 Managed Bond Fund............................... 68,103 8,355,925 7,966,212 Research Enhanced Index Fund.................... 63,348 8,681,404 8,820,575 ----------- ----------- Total Balanced Fund........................... 17,824,856 17,574,314 ----------- ----------- Clearing Fund * Chemical Bank Short-Term Investment Fund................................. 724,346 724,346 724,346 Member loans receivable 13,074,397 13,074,397 ----------- ----------- TOTAL INVESTMENTS........................ $327,502,199 $349,811,085 ============ ============
*Identified as a party-in-interest to the Plan. S-17
Schedule II PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES WHICH WERE BOTH ACQUIRED AND DISPOSED OF WITHIN THE PLAN YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 (b) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate of (a) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or interest, collateral (c) Cost of (d) Proceeds of Similar Party par or maturity value acquisitions Dispositions ------------- ----------------------- -------------- ---------------- EMPLOYER FUND - ------------- Viacom Inc. Stock Fund Chemical Bank Short-Term Investment Fund ................................... 135,900,129 $ 135,900,129 $ 135,900,129 State Street Bank Short-term Investment Fund ......................... 82,393,406 82,393,406 82,393,406 Paramount Communications Inc. Common Stock ............ 454,525 20,222,191 45,586,024 Viacom Inc. Warrants to purchase Class B Common Stock ....................................... 377,523 415,718 546,162 Viacom Inc. Warrant expire 7/6/99 ..................... 226,512 744,453 855,651 Viacom Inc. 8% Subordinated Exchangeable Debentures due 7/7/2006 ............................ 57,000 35,675 30,631 Viacom Inc. Class B Common Stock ...................... 3,071 15,240 30,631 EMPLOYEE FUND - ------------- Viacom Inc. Stock Fund Chemical Bank Short-Term Investment Fund ................................... 30,209,965 30,209,965 30,209,965 State Street Bank Short-term Investment Fund ......................... 20,623,995 20,623,995 20,623,995 State Street Bank Warrants ............................ 96,847 96,847 96,847 Paramount Communications Inc. Common Stock ............ 28,106 1,457,379 1,332,805 Viacom Inc. Warrants to purchase Class B Common Stock ............................... 4,250 6,375 9,079 Viacom Inc. Warrants expire 7/6/99 .................... 2,550 9,401 9,486 Viacom Inc. 8% Subordinated Exchangeable Debentures due 7/7/2006 ............................ 148,750 89,304 126,285 Viacom Inc. Class B Common Stock ...................... 7,910 247,187 305,063 S-18
Schedule II PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES WHICH WERE BOTH ACQUIRED AND DISPOSED OF WITHIN THE PLAN YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 (b) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate (a) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or of interest, collateral (c) Cost of (d) Proceeds of similar party par or maturity value acquisitions Dispositions ------------- --------------------- ------------ ---------------- Equity Fund: Bankers Trust Pyramid Discretionary Cash Fund ............ 14,567,696 14,567,696 14,567,696 Chrysler Corp ............................................ 300 7,889 14,278 General Motors Corp ...................................... 900 37,096 38,672 Citicorp ................................................. 400 8,459 16,525 Coca Cola Co ............................................. 1,300 45,147 62,259 Pepsico Inc .............................................. 600 20,117 20,644 Georgia Pac Corp ......................................... 100 5,380 6,972 Dow Chem Co .............................................. 100 5,754 7,209 Bristol Myers Squibb Co .................................. 200 13,550 11,619 Lilly Eli & Co ........................................... 200 14,042 12,244 Merck & Co Inc ........................................... 800 30,864 27,275 Pfizer Inc ............................................... 400 24,285 28,962 Schering Plough Corp ..................................... 200 11,833 14,869 Syntex Corp .............................................. 500 14,916 12,000 General Electric Co ...................................... 500 19,744 23,234 Hewlett Packard Co ....................................... 300 18,653 28,478 Intel Corp ............................................... 800 30,619 49,644 Litton Inds Inc .......................................... 600 15,408 19,394 Motorola Inc ............................................. 300 8,520 17,015 Texas Instruments Inc .................................... 200 9,176 15,443 American Express Co ...................................... 100 2,548 3,109 Federal National Mortgage Assn............................ 100 6,180 7,272 Borden Inc ............................................... 3,000 76,589 39,254 McDonalds Corp ........................................... 800 16,760 22,200 Travelers Inc ............................................ 321 8,416 12,213 Walt Disney Co ........................................... 400 13,986 17,537 Amgen Inc ................................................ 200 11,379 11,375 Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp ............................. 100 3,556 3,747 Johnson & Johnson ........................................ 700 31,638 36,415 Apple Computer ........................................... 400 17,228 15,122 Cisco Systems Inc......................................... 900 29,850 26,638 Compaq Computer Corp ..................................... 600 12,031 21,656 Digital Equip Corp ....................................... 100 4,949 3,497 Lotus Development Corp.................................... 200 6,677 8,300 Microsoft Corp ........................................... 400 21,808 24,700 Micron Technology Inc .................................... 400 14,487 16,787 Novell Inc ............................................... 900 20,550 17,888 Sun Microsystems ......................................... 400 12,813 13,350 Mobil Corp ............................................... 400 27,116 33,762 S-19
Schedule II PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27a - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS HELD FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES WHICH WERE BOTH ACQUIRED AND DISPOSED OF WITHIN THE PLAN YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 (b) Description of investment, including maturity date, rate (a) Identity of issue, borrowing lessor or of interest, collateral (c) Cost of (d) Proceeds of similar party par or maturity value acquisitions Dispositions ------------- --------------------- ------------ ------------ Equity Fund: (continued) International Paper Co ....................................... 200 12,667 14,094 Eastman Kodak Co ............................................. 500 19,124 22,097 Gap Stores Inc ............................................... 400 13,530 14,438 Home Depot Inc ............................................... 500 16,809 22,122 Nordstrom Inc ................................................ 200 6,635 9,400 Sears Roebuck & Co ........................................... 100 3,197 4,684 Wal Mart Stores Inc .......................................... 900 20,774 21,235 Procter & Gamble Co .......................................... 300 14,205 18,928 CBS Inc ...................................................... 12 2,247 3,900 Tele Communications Inc ...................................... 500 9,850 11,875 Viacom Inc ................................................... 2,485 62,526 65,295 AT&T Corp .................................................... 100 4,599 4,897 Bellsouth Corp ............................................... 400 21,256 20,887 GTE Corp ..................................................... 400 13,319 13,288 MCI Communications Corp ...................................... 300 6,005 6,472 Sprint Corp .................................................. 400 12,461 11,938 American Barrick Resources Corp............................... 200 5,284 4,269 Balanced Fund: Chemical Banking Corporation Temporary Investment Fund ............................................ 5,219,428 5,219,428 5,219,428 J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. Liquidity Fund ............................................. 1,206,095 7,295,000 7,295,000 Managed Bond Fund .......................................... 855 105,226 101,003 Researched Enhanced Index Fund ............................. 3,916 526,930 545,295
Schedule III PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS INC. EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN ITEM 27d - SCHEDULE OF REPORTABLE TRANSACTIONS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 Description of Asset (Including Interest Rate and Maturity in Purchase Selling Identify of Party Involved cost of loan) Transactions Price Price - -------------------------- ------------ ------------ -------- ------- Single Transaction: - ------------------ Paramount Communications Inc. Sale of 586,069 shares of common stock 1 $62,709,383 Chemical Bank Short-Term Investment Fund Purchase of participation 1 $62,709,383 Sale of participation 1 $62,709,383 State Street Bank Short-Term Investment Fund Purchase of participation 1 $62,709,383 Transfer of assets from Paramount Communications Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan 1 Series Transactions: - -------------------- Paramount Communications Inc. Sale of 670,312 shares of common stock 16 $66,803,742 Chemical Bank Short-Term Investment Fund Purchase of participation 289 $152,442,537 Sale of participation 164 $151,437,022 State Street Bank Short-Term Investment Fund Purchase of participation 21 $65,489,139 Sale of participation 63 $62,243,213 Bankers Trust Pyramid Discretionary Cash Fund Purchase of participation 31 $16,097,082 Sale of participation 7 $14,567,696 Viacom Inc. Class B Common Stock Purchase of 1,528,044 shares 69 $52,600,392 Description of Asset Current Value (Including Interest Rate of Asset on and Maturity in Cost of Transaction Net Gain Identify of Party Involved cost of loan) Asset Date or (Loss) - -------------------------- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- Single Transaction: - ------------------ Paramount Communications Inc. Sale of 586,069 shares of common stock $43,228,440 $62,709,383 $19,480,943 Chemical Bank Short-Term Investment Fund Purchase of participation Sale of participation $62,709,383 $62,709,383 State Street Bank Short-Term Investment Fund Purchase of participation Transfer of assets from Paramount Communications Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan $59,260,123 Series Transactions: - -------------------- Paramount Communications Inc. Sale of 670,312 shares of common stock $46,549,434 $66,803,742 $20,254,308 Chemical Bank Short-Term Investment Fund Purchase of participation Sale of participation $151,437,022 $151,437,022 State Street Bank Short-Term Investment Fund Purchase of participation Sale of participation $62,243,213 $62,243,213 Bankers Trust Pyramid Discretionary Cash Fund Purchase of participation Sale of participation $14,567,696 $14,567,696 Viacom Inc. Class B Common Stock Purchase of 1,528,044 shares
S-21 Exhibit I Consent of Independent Accountants We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the Prospectus constituting part of the Registration Statement on Form S-3 (Nos. 33-53485 and 33-55785) and Form S-8 (Nos. 33-41934, 33-56088, 33-59049, 33-59141, 33-55173 and 33-55709) of Viacom Inc. of our report dated June 28, 1995, relating to the financial statements and schedules of the Paramount Communications Inc. Employees' Savings Plan, appearing on page F-2 of this Form 11-K. Price Waterhouse LLP New York, New York June 28, 1995 Exhibit I Consent of Independent Auditors We consent to the incorporation by reference in Registration Statements Form S-3 (Nos. 33-53485 and 33-55785) and Form S-8 (Nos. 33-41934, 33-55173, 33-55709, 33-56088, 33-59049 and 33-59141) of Viacom Inc. of our report dated June 17, 1994, except for Note A the second paragraph of the Loan Provision section, as to which the date is June 28, 1995, with respect to the 1993 financial statements of the Paramount Communications Inc. Employees' Savings Plan included in this Annual Report (Form 11-K) for the year ended December 31, 1994. New York, New York Ernst & Young LLP June 28, 1995